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Of course directioners because believers have made selena fell really bad about dating justin bieber and liam louis and zayn have said them self that directioners are the best fans in the WORLD and that their fans don't hate the girls if their fans see them they just say hi and i think that if us directioners had a trouble with the girls the world would had already know GO ONE DIRECTION

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Both fan bases are passionate and dedicated to supporting their respective artists, One Direction and Justin Bieber. The concept of "better" is subjective and ultimately depends on individual preferences. Both groups have had significant impact on the music industry and have loyal fan followings.

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Q: Who is better directioners or believers?
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Who are the believers of false chemistry?

In the past - the alchemists.

Who were Protestant believers who strongly resisted liberal protestantism's attempts to adapt doctrines to Darwinism evolution and biblical criticism?

Fundamentalists were Protestant believers who strongly resisted liberal Protestantism's attempts to adapt doctrines to Darwinian evolution and biblical criticism. They believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible and rejected the idea of evolution and critical scholarship of the Bible.

What is the importance of holy qurbana in daily life?

The Holy Qurbana is a central act of worship in the Syriac Christian tradition, and it is considered a sacred and essential ritual for believers. It serves as a means of spiritual nourishment, offering the faithful the opportunity to participate in the Eucharist and receive the body and blood of Christ. The Qurbana provides believers with a way to connect with God, seek forgiveness, and renew their faith on a daily basis.

What is chistening?

Christening is a religious ceremony in which a person, typically a child, is baptized with water as a symbol of purification and dedication to their faith. It is often performed in the Christian tradition as a way to welcome the individual into the community of believers.

How might the believers of spontaneous generation have disputed redi's conclusion if redi had not used a control group?

Believers of spontaneous generation could have argued that Redi's results were inconclusive without a control group because there was no way to compare if the sealed jars were truly preventing the generation of maggots. They could have also questioned the validity of his experiment and claimed that other factors might have influenced the outcome, thus casting doubt on the idea that maggots were not spontaneously generated in the open jars.

Related questions

Are there more directioners or beliebers?

more directioners

What age range are directioners?

Directioners are around 13-18. That's the ages of the majority of Directioners.

Do directioners have their own land?

Nope, but most Directioners call themselves "Narnian Directioners" as they don't live in the same homeland as One Direction.

What are One Direction's fan called?

They are called directioners and they one direction haters are called directionaters i do not like one direction

What is Louis Tomlinson tumbler?

They don't release those things. But us Directioners are better than the FBI. We will find it out.

What are the fan's of one direction called?

they are called DIRECTIONERS norma and Sandra directioners 4 life

What are directioners?

Directioners are people who like One Direction. They support them. They are loving people who defend their fandom when needed to. "Directioners are awesome!" "We love One Direction." "You need to back off! One Direction never did anything to you."

What is the name of one direction fans?

Directioner and DirectioNATORS Directioners-like/love One Direction for who they are and love all of them accepting their flaws which they don't have any but if you're a directioner you're always a directioner, there is more but i'm not going to say all of it, that's to much. DirectioNATORS- Directioners HATE them! But Directionators don't like all of them, they call themselves directioners but they really arent. But just don't get me started on Directionators

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