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It is inappropriate and disrespectful to make generalizations about people based on their body size. Sexual compatibility is unique to each individual and cannot be determined solely by body type. It is important to treat all individuals with respect and not objectify them based on physical appearance.

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Q: Who is better in bed fat chicks or skinny chicks?
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They think skinny isn't good, so they like fat chicks because they know they are weird, so the opposite is good for THEM.

Is it healthier to be skinny?

It is better to be neither fat nor skinny.

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Why wouldn't he date a skinny girl? He doesn't have any history in dating fat chicks anyways

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I would say tall and skinny because you can be a modle if you are and sometimes it better being skinny

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it doesnt matter because if your fat, you lose weight and gain muscle with weights and if your skinny, you gain muscle

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skinny girls can go to the beach and show there bodies fat girls cant i shouldn't know though i thick

Is skinny better?

better? no no and no! it doesn't matter if you are skinny or fat, chubby or plump. if you are trying to be skinny for someone else, don't do it! people should like you for who you are, if they tell you to be something you are not, then they are not worth it!

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There is no such thing. Everyone has their own preference on the type of woman they desire.

What would be better body size for living in Antarctica Fat or skinny tall or short?

Fat, short, and compact.

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Generally, Fat cats tend to be fat, and skinny cats usually are known to be skinny.

Are you fat or skinny?

middle im not skinny nor fat