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Both Sir Ernest Shackleton and Captain Robert Falcon Scott were renowned explorers of the Antarctic, each with their own strengths and areas of expertise. Shackleton is often praised for his exceptional leadership and ability to survive against the odds during his expeditions, particularly the Endurance expedition. Scott, on the other hand, is celebrated for his meticulous planning and scientific contributions to Antarctic exploration, despite the tragic end to his expedition to the South Pole. Overall, it is difficult to say who was better, as their achievements and legacies are equally valuable in the history of polar exploration.

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How many times did tom crean go to antarctica?

Tom Crean participated in three expeditions to Antarctica. He accompanied Robert Falcon Scott on the Discovery Expedition in 1901–1904, then Ernest Shackleton on the Nimrod Expedition in 1907–1909, and finally Shackleton again on the ill-fated Endurance Expedition in 1914–1917.

Who beat Scott to the North Pole?

The first person to reach the North Pole is disputed, but Robert Peary and Matthew Henson were recognized for reaching the North Pole in 1909. Roald Amundsen was the first person to reach the geographic South Pole in 1911. Sir Ernest Shackleton's British Antarctic Expedition of 1907-1909 did not attempt to reach the North Pole.

Which poles did Ernest Shackleton's expedition reach?

Ernest Shackleton's expedition attempted to reach the South Pole but fell short due to harsh conditions and lack of supplies. They made it closest to the pole at 88° 23'S before having to turn back.

When did Ernest Shackleton go to the south pole?

Ernest Shackleton did not reach the South Pole. He led expeditions to Antarctica, including the famous Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition in 1914-1917 where his ship, the Endurance, became trapped in ice and sank. Shackleton and his crew never made it to the South Pole but they did manage to survive against incredible odds.

Was it dogs or horses ernest shackleton took to the south pole?

Ernest Shackleton took dogs but not horses on his expeditions to Antarctica. He used sled dogs to help transport supplies and equipment across the icy terrain.

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Did Scott and Shackleton die in Antarctica?

Scott died in Antarctca, but Shackleton died in South Georgia.

Who traveled with Robert Falcon Scott?

eskimos and shackleton

Who did Robert Falcon Scott travel with?

eskimos and shackleton

Names of the crew members on Shackleton's discovery?

Some of the crew members on Shackleton's Discovery expedition included Ernest Shackleton, Frank Wild, and Tom Crean.

Why did New Zealand name there base Scott base?

Well, the British had already taken Shackleton, and Scott had association with New Zealand in his adventures.

Are sir Robert falcon Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton two Antarctic explorers?

Yes, they were Antarctic explorers.

Did all of Scott's and Shackleton's Antarctic voyages have scientific expeditions?

Yes, it was the basis of much of the funding for each expedition.

Who was Captain Robert Scott's mother?

Captain Robert Falcon Scott's parents were John Edward Scott and Hannah Cumming. Robert Scott chose to go into the Royal Navy. Scott captained the ship that brought Ernest Shackleton and Edward Wilson to Antarctica.

Did Nansen use horses on his expedition?

Nansen advocated the use of dogs in polar exploration. Shackleton and Scott used ponies.

Who is a famous Antarctic explorer?

James Cook, Ernest Shackleton, Roald Amundsen, Robert Falcon Scott

What is the possessive noun of Shackleton's?

Shackleton's is already a possessive noun. It refers to something that belongs to Shackleton, such as "Shackleton's expedition to the South Pole".

Robert Scott Ernest Shacketon Roald Amundsen Douglas Mawson Method of transport?

Scott, Shackleton and Mawson used the old Naval tradition of manhauling their sledges, while Amundsen used dogs.