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As shown in Yugioh GX, Pegasus says the top three duelists are: 1. Yugi Muto 2. Seto Kaiba 3. Joey Wheeler This list is pretty obvious. As for Marik, he's just out of the question. He wasn't fourth or fifth in this list, and besides, he wasn't known for being a powerful duelist anyway.

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9mo ago

It ultimately depends on personal preference as each character has their own strengths and weaknesses. Yugi is known for his strategic skills and courage, Joey for his loyalty and determination, Kaiba for his intelligence and ambition, and Marik for his cunning and power as a duelist.

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The first time they duel was in the four-way duel in Alcatraz tower. Due to Joey, Marik was the first to lose all his life points, but this duel was only to decide the opponents for the semi-finals. When Yugi and Marik duel for real, in the Battle City finals, Yugi is the winner.

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More than 3 times. 1. Duelist Kingdom - Joey placed 2nd. Yugi placed 1st. 2. Kaiba's Organized- Joey was under the control of Marik and faught Yugi in a Duel. Thats only the 90th Episode and he's already been dueled twice by him. Lol. If you really count every little Duel, They played each other in the first Episode lightly. The entire duel was not shown, just that Joey didn't use Magic cards yet.

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The duel between Yugi and Marik is from episode 138 to 142 of the original duel monster series.

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Is there a Yami Bakura mission on Yu-Gi-Oh Falsebound Kingdom?

No, I'm afriad not. Only Ceta Kaiba, Yami Yugi and Joey.

Does yugi win his duel against marik?

Yes, he does.