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The oldest house in the world is believed to be a stone house found in Palestine, dating back to around 9,000 BC. This house is part of the site known as Jericho, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.
Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world, with its roots dating back over 4,000 years. It is a diverse faith with countless deities, rituals, and beliefs, making it one of the most complex and rich spiritual traditions globally.
Yes, Jericho is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world, with archaeological evidence suggesting continuous settlement for over 11,000 years. It is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.
The world's oldest news agency is Agence France-Presse (AFP), founded in 1835.
My Grandad is 98 on the 25 th of March
Dustin is the oldest B5 member
Yes he was
The oldest person in England was Jessie Nicholls age 110.
on th ebottom
Will in school, its, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett who are in 12 grade and Edward and Alice are in 11.
The American Eskimo Dog lives in homes in different countries in the world. If you mean to ask what its origins are, it is a German breed.
It is the sundial.
Kongo Gumi is the oldest firm in the world.
Damascus is the oldest city in the world.
An 85 year old man who was a passenger on the flight that crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center (Flight 11).
The oldest is prostitution, the second oldest is spying.