In Greek Myths Hermes is the fastest because he is the messenger god. He has winged sandals to help him fly.
The planet Mercury is named after the messenger god.
The positive form of "fastest" is "fast."
The world's fastest mammal, the cheetah, can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour, while the world's fastest fish, the sailfish, can swim at speeds of up to 68 miles per hour. Therefore, the cheetah is faster than the sailfish.
The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the air, reaching speeds of over 240 mph.
the fastest mixed dog is named sayde
He was the fastest of the gods and used his speed to carry messages for the other gods
Hermes was the fastest of the gods he was messenger of the gods am=nd he was god of theives
Hermes was considered the messenger of the gods. He was the fastest of all the gods actually portrayed with wings on his shoes.
Yes, Hermes is often considered the fastest runner among the Greek gods. He is known as the messenger god and is depicted as quick and agile, able to move swiftly between the mortal world and the divine realm.
Yes, Hermes was considered the fastest of the Greek gods. He was known for his speed and agility, which is why he was often portrayed as a messenger god, delivering messages between the gods and humans with incredible swiftness.
The planet Mercury is named after the messenger god.
The Greeks shaped most of our modern buisness names. Names like Mars Candy, Juno Email, and Mercury were all named after gods that they believed in. This is usually is done for a specific reason likeMercury being the fastest of the gods and Mercury being fastest of the cars.
The fastest demigod in the Greek mythology is apparently Hermes, the messenger of the gods and the son of Maia, on of the Pleiades.Answer 2 Since Hermes is a god and not a demigod, this is not an exact answer.
This is an interesting question, because while the gods and goddesses were generally regarded as omnipotent, there was a definite "fastest" among them, and it was Hermes. Second to him would have been Iris. They were the messengers of the gods, and were expected to be expedient. Hermes was also the god of travelers and thieves, both of which imply a need to be hasty.
A trace is something linked to something else through any terms of means. For instance the car company, Mercury, is linked to the Roman Messenger God Mercury. This is approriate because Mercury was the fastest of the gods and Mercury was supposedly the fastest of the cars.
Scientist did not name Mercury, Roman/ Greek Gods did. They named it Mercury because it was the fastest moving planet out of all Planets.
Yes there is and here are some of them*mercury was named after the roman gods messanger* It is the fastest planet to orbit around the sun*it is 58 million kilometres away