There's no one scientist who is simply the "smartest". There are leaders in various different fields but no number one per se. Being smart isn't something which is empirically provable anyway, it's very much a subjective idea.
It is subjective and difficult to definitively determine who the most intelligent person in the world ever is. Some notable figures often mentioned for their intelligence include Albert Einstein, Leonardo da vinci, and Stephen Hawking.
No one in particular.
Quamtum theory arose from the work of some of the greatest physicists in the 20th century. It was a collective work, which is why the theory is so strong. A lot of people contributed in their own way to improve it.
Some of those were:
Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heissenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Lois de Broglie, Max Born, Richard Feynman, John Stewart Bell, Enrico Fermi and a whole lot of other.
Beauty is subjective and varies from person to person, so it is not accurate to label someone as the "most beautiful" in the world. Many people may find AnnaSophia Robb attractive, but beauty is ultimately in the eye of the beholder.
In order to answer this question one must first come up with a basis in which to measure intelligence. Once that is established questions that meet said criterion may be used to measure the intelligence of a question - until the most intelligent questions are asked.
asians are the swaggiest people in this solar system
Maximilian Agyei
Humans are considered the most intelligent mammals, followed by dolphins and great apes such as chimpanzees and orangutans. These animals display advanced cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and social interactions.
No one knows who the most intelligent person in the world is, in part because there is not broad agreement on how to measure intelligence.
Who and how intelligent the person with the highest IQ? Who created yehey Who is the richest man in the world When was yehey created What is the most powerful desktop computer What is the smallest microchip ever builtwow we have the same questions where you from?? I think we are from one school.
No one knows who the most intelligent person in the world is, in part because there is not broad agreement on how to measure intelligence.
DEJAH mean she is the most intelligent person she is very entertaining in this world
the Creator of the universe is the most intelligent person he made it so well so balanced .the Creator of man is not so intelligent as the Creator forgot about greed of a person. the Creator of the Indus valley civilization is also intelligent he made it so well my it be the drainage the houses or streets perfect .
Indians are most intelligent in world
It is difficult to determine who the world's most intelligent person is, as intelligence can be measured in many different ways. There are many individuals who excel in various fields and demonstrate high levels of intelligence, such as scientists, researchers, and scholars. Each person's intelligence is unique and may shine in different areas.
because he was wants to show people that he was the most intelligent person in the world
my dad
Yes, they are (on average) the most intelligent breed in the world.
elephants are the most intelligent animals.