Charmander, in my opinion It goes Charmander Sqirtle Bulbasaur naw, its actually bulbasuar,squrtle,charmander
In terms of base stats, Blastoise is generally considered the strongest Kanto starter due to its well-rounded stats and access to strong moves like Hydro Pump and Ice Beam. However, the strength of a starter Pokémon can also depend on its type advantages and the specific battle scenario.
The strongest starter Pokémon is typically considered to be Charmander's final evolution, Charizard. Charizard has a strong Fire/Flying typing and high offensive stats that make it a formidable battler. Additionally, it has received Mega Evolutions and Gigantamax forms in some games, further boosting its power.
Strongest = validissimus There are several possible choices for strongest -the context is all-important.
Diamond is considered the strongest mineral because of its hardness on the Mohs scale, which is a 10 out of 10. This means that it is extremely resistant to scratching or abrasion.
bloom is the strongest
Which sentence sounds the strongest?
I think Squirtle, because it evolves into a Blastoise and it's really strong.
In Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver you can get a Johto starter from Professor Elm, a Hoenn starter from Steven, and a Kanto starter from Professor Oak
Sinoh jhoto kanto and hoen the zephyr region is the kanto starter's
No, you do not get to choose a Starter Pokémon in "Pokémon HeartGold" immediately after arriving in the Kanto region however later on after you've defeated all of the 8 Kanto Gym Leaders including Blue, you'll get to choose a Kanto Starter and a Hoenn Starter.
Get a kanto starter :p
The strongest Pokemon starters Region Starter Atk. Power Hoenn Mudkip 70 Sinnoh Turtwig 48 Kanto Charmander 52 Johto Totodile 65 Actually in Johto the strongest Pokemon is Cyndaquil because my sister and I battled both Typhlosion and Feraligatr level 100 and I won. We only used the same move with the same power no items.
You cannot get a Sinnoh Starter. You can only have a Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn starter.
In Kanto you can get a starter poke'mon from Oak you have to first get your pokedex almost filled then go to mt. Silver then fight Red.
Quite frankly, it is impossible to receive your Kanto starter first. You start the game in NewBark Town, which is located in the Johto region. In Professor Elm's lab, you can only choose between three Johto starter Pokemon. You can get the Kanto starter Pokemon later in the game.
Entei doesn't have a specific location, but they are roaming around Kanto after you beat the E4, get the National Dex, and give the Ruby and the Sapphire to Celio. The legendary dog that runs around Kanto is based on the starter that you pick. When you pick Charmander as your starter, Suicune roams around Kanto. When you pick Squirtle as your starter, Raikou roams around Kanto. When you pick Bulbasaur as your starter, Entei roams around Kanto.