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The strongest Avatar in terms of raw power is generally considered to be Avatar Aang due to his mastery of all four elements and his defeat of Fire Lord Ozai during Sozin's Comet. However, each Avatar brings their own strengths and unique abilities to the role.

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Q: Who is the strongest avatar?
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What is the 2nd strongest Yu-Gi-Oh card?

The Wicked Avatar. ( It has one-hundred more attack than the strongest card on the field )

Who was the fist avatar?

To me the strongest avatar would have to be Aang. My reasoning is that, at least in the avatar state, you are given the power of all past avatars. So say an avatar 10 lifetimes ago would lake the power of those 10 avatars in the avatar state while Aang would have that power. It just makes sense to me, at least when dealing with raw power and strength. But then if we don't talk about avatar state, from what I understand, all benders are created equal, and by that I mean it is more technique and skill that make a bender more powerful, so in that respect, although Aang is amazing, he is still only a child. One of the older avatars would be more skilled at fighting I am sure. But since Aang is also the only Avatar to be able to remove someones bending from what we can tell, then I would say it doesn't matter. Well that was long but to wrap it all up, Aang has pure power in avatar state, plus he has an extra type of bending, but his technique could use some work. But I still say Aang and not because he is so cute and adorable!!________________________________The strongest Avatar I would have to say is probably always the current one, since he/she has access to the Avatar State, which is the combined power, and knowledge all of the past Avatar's. Plus Aang is the only Avatar yet to use what Wikipedia calls "Engerybending" a type of special bending only the avatar can perform, it has the ability to forever take away someone else's ability to bend their respectful element. But if you wanted to talk "outside" of the Avatar State, then things might get a little complicated, even though by the end the the series Aang has mastered all 4 elements, I'm sure there might be some older, more wiser, Avatar's that may be better in fighting terms, as they have also mastered the 4 elements, and if you really wanted to find out which Avatar was the strongest, you'd have to determine which element is the strongest as well, because all Avatar's have their own respectful elements that they were originally born into, and since Aang's original element is Air, you can tell that throughout the entire series, Air is the most element Aang uses, and is comfortable with, and most powerful with, so I'd assume that every Avatar, although has mastered all 4 elements, is more fluent in their original element they were born into, and if that's the case, you can't really determine which element is the strongest because all elements have their weaknesses. Earth yields to Fire. Fire yields to Water. Water yields to Air. and Air yields to Earth. If two Avatar's were to battle one another, my guess is that it would be a tie.

Why does avatar go berserk?

When Aang goes "berserk" he goes into something called the "Avatar State" what it is, is all the power, emotions, and experience of all the past Avatar's (Aang's past lives) being summoned into Aang's body, he can only enter this state when he is experiencing immencily strong emotion, or pain. When he is in the this state he is at his most strongest.. but he is also at his most vunerable, the reincarnation cycle does not apply when he is in this state, and if he were to die while he was in it, the Avatar cycle would be broken, a new Avatar would not be born after his death, and the Avatar would cease to exist.

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Katara from "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is widely considered one of the strongest waterbenders in the series due to her skill, agility, and innovative techniques in bending. She has shown remarkable growth and mastery of waterbending throughout the show. Sokka's waterbending master, Pakku, is also regarded as one of the most powerful waterbenders in the series.

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Avatar definately!

What is an avatar in a game?

in the avatar game the avatar is a blue creature like a human but not and is on an avatar planet but avatar the game comes from a movie and that is all about an avatar in the game.

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Avatar legends of the arena

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I would believe it is The Wicked Avatar, since Yako used it as his key monster in Yugioh R. That, and his Egyptian counterpart is Obelisk the tormentor, which is considered to be the strongest of the 3.

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There for your avatar to make your avatar look good and cool.

How do you enter your yahoo avatar into the featured avatar?

Click your or anyone's avatar

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The head of the Avatar program in Avatar is Dr. Grace Augustine, who was played by Sigourney Weaver.