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magnisium sul;phate

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Q: Who is the strongest coagulant?
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What are the ingredient in tofu?

ONLY soybean, water and "coagulant". Coagulant is the "thing" that firms the tofu, which turns the soybean liquid to a firm form we called tofu. There are various types of coagulant. (To name it a few: nagiri, lemon, vinegar, and more.)

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Is lupus anti coagulant-transferred to children?

No, this is inherited.

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Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, coagulant.

What is an example of an anti-coagulant?

Rat poison usually works this way.

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What is jar test objectives?

to determine optimum coagulant concentration (0CC)

What are the medicinal actions of witch hazel?

Astringent, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, coagulant.

What are coagulant aids?

Coagulant aids are chemicals which are added to water during coagulation to:1) Improve coagulation;2) Build a stronger, more settleable floc;3) Overcome slow floc formation in cold water;4) Reduce the amount of coagulant required;5) Reduce the amount of sludge produced.The key reason coagulant aids are used is to reduce the amount of alum used, which, in turn, decreases the amount of alum sludge produced. Alum sludge is difficult to dewater and to dispose of.TYPES OF COAGULANT AIDSActivated Silica1) Increase the coagulation rate;2) Reduce the amount of coagulant needed;3) Widen the pH range for effective coagulation;4) Chief advantage-strengthens floc5) Usually added after coagulant, never directly with alum.Weighting Agents1) Provide additional particles that can enhance floc formation.2) Used to treat water that is high in color;3) Used to treat water that is low in turbidity;4) Used to treat water that is low in mineral content5) Different types include: Bentonite Clay, Powdered Limestone, and Powdered SiliciaPolyelectrolytesExtremely large molecules which produce highly charged ions when dissolved in water. These are also called polymers.Types of PolyelectrolytesCationic (+)1) Have a positive (+) charge.2) Allows reduced coagulant dose;3) Floc settles better;4) Less sensitivity to pH;5) Improved flocculation of organisms such as bacteria and algae.Anionic (-)1) Have a negative (-) charge2) Used primarily as a coagulant aid3) Increases floc size;4) Improve settling;5) Produce a stronger floc;6) Not materially affected by pH, alkalinity, hardness, or turbidityNonionic1) Balanced or neutral charge;2) Used as a primary coagulant or coagulant aid.Factors which affect how well a coagulant aid works1) Mixing conditions2) pH3) Alkalinity4) Water temperature5) Turbidity