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To be fair i think China is the strongest country in the world, it has a really really good ecomany and it has thousands of soldiers. Russia has an elite army air force and navy but it would not be able to defeat a massive force. America has lots of special forces and elite armys, navys and air forces but in the real world numbers really do count and as soon as china reach the US mainland America would eventually fall. China could be beaten by multiple countrys working together but an individual nation could not beat china. Most nations in Europe and the Middle East would be no challenge for Chinas Military. Britain, France and Germany would be a challenge but no one in the world has mass production like china. India have a really good Military and would challenge china but it would fall eventually.

Nations in Africa would probably use Gurella tactics if china invaded but China's advanced army could win the fight. South Africa and Eygpt are the main powers in Africa and could cause diffiulcuty for China's military

Brazil and Argintina could also put up a good fight agaist china but they too would fall eventually

North Korea would also be a problem for china but that would fall as it is right next to china.

I am not Chinise so im not being biast

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The United States, Great Britain, Spain, Japan, and Germany

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The U.S.A

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