The sequel to Fullmetal Alchemist is a manga series called "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood." It follows the original manga more closely than the first anime adaptation and provides a more faithful retelling of the story.
The strongest metal in the world is tungsten. This metal is unbreakable.
The strongest Beyblade in Metal Masters is considered to be L-Drago Destroy, owned by Ryuga. It is known for its powerful Spin Steal ability and its destructive nature in battles.
A Atomic bomb is the strongest weapon on the planet. There have been talks of a anti-matter bomb, but it will most likely be used for exploration of space because of how cost effective it would be compared to conventional fuel. Also if you want information about pistols, assault rifles, and other weapons used in conventional warfare you should check online for each of these. There would be more information than I could give.the strongest weapon in the world is a guirza it can kill a person with a bullet proof vest with one bullet.
Some of strongest padlock are the one with the guard over the hasp. Also the lock that have a solid body are the stronger and it depends on what kind of metal they are made from.
There was only one season of full metal alchemist, then they remade it into full metal alchemist brotherhood to attempt to follow the manga better the second time.
Go on and type full metal alchemist the movie
i heard that full metal alchemist season 1 was made by Americans then the actual creator of full metal alchemist came out with brotherhood. so there not exactly the same or finish eachother but some parts are the same as the 1st season.
Fullmetal alchemist wins.
Edward Elric the Full Metal Alchemist.
Edward has two artificial limbs each one mechanical and metal. He has also passed his state alchemist exam so he is legally a state alchemist. He is there for dubbed the Fullmetal alchemist. There is no correlation with that and those movies
Full Metal Alchemist episode 13. i love that episode
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
It is Fullmetal Alchemist really it should not be FMA it should be FA.
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Alchemist .
Yes - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood