The world's longest serving monarch is currently Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, who has been on the throne since 1952.
The Worlds Longest limo is 100 feet long ( 30 meters )
Canada holds the title for the world's longest continual coastline, stretching over 202,080 kilometers along its borders.
The world's longest boardwalk is the Atlantic City Boardwalk in New Jersey, USA. It stretches for about 4 miles along the Atlantic Ocean.
The world's longest phone conversation lasted for 44 hours and 30 minutes. It took place in 2012 between two people in Nepal.
Chile is the world's longest and narrowest country. It stretches over 4,300 kilometers from north to south, while its width varies from only 177 kilometers to 430 kilometers.
fred and he was on steroids and 4 years old
Her Majesty Queen Victoria - was famous for becoming the longest serving monarch in British history.
She was the longest-serving British monarch in history. She served a total of 63 years.
worlds longest toenailes
Queen Elizabeth II overtook Queen Victoria as longest serving monarch on the 9th of September, 2015.
The longest reigning monarch in Thailand is His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
The worlds longest road bridge is in China
William Heirens is the worlds longest serving prisoner. he has been in prison for 64 years.
Queen Elizabeth II (1952 - Current) is the longest-lived Monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations; the second longest reigning Monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations; second longest serving Head of State [second only to Queen Victoria] of the Commonwealth of Nations formerly the British Empire. Queen Elizabeth II was preceded by her father King George VI (1936-1952).
Henry Bolte was Victoria's longest serving Premier.
Queen Victoria was the longest serving British monarch, who served for 63 years and 216 days. However, Sobhuza is the longest reigning monarch in the world, he hails from Zombodze. His reign lasted 82 years and 9 months.