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Semira was the oldest out of the three elders in Underworld.

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Q: Who was the oldest out of the three elders in underworld?
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Who is in charge the oldest or the youngest?

The oldest. Parents usually teach their kids to respect elders

Who was the strongest of the three elders in underworld?

none of them were the strongest they just did their jobs but in my opinion i guess the one who cuts the fabric of life because she decides ur death

The names of the vampire elders in underworld movie?

Viktor Marcus Amelia William is the elder of the Lycans

What is Council of Elders?

Oldest members of Community commomly consulted to advise or make decisions.

Who was the underworld judge?

There were three judges of the underworld : Rhadamanthus, Minors, ands Aeacus.

What is synonym of eldest?

a synonym for eldest is oldest or old because the saying always respect your elders

Who was the oldest man in Umofia?

In Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart," the oldest man in the village of Umofia is Ezeudu, the oldest and most respected man in the clan. He is the oldest and most influential man in the village, serving as the oldest member of the elders' council.

Who is the oldest Poseidon Zeus or Hades?

It definitely wasn't Zeus, he was the youngest of the three brothers, Poseidon was the middle child, and Hades was the eldest(oldest) of the three, but they all drew lots and that's how Zeus came to power. Poseidon was quite happy with the sea but Hades hated getting sent to the Underworld---however, it suited his brooding nature.

Why is hades the ruler of the Underworld?

After Cronus was chopped into a thousand pieces and his remains were thrown into the deepest pits of Tartarus by Zeus, the three brothers Zeus, Posiden, and Hades picked from three sticks. Each stick had a level of the world written on it. Zeus, the youngest, got the sky. Posiden got the sea, and Hades, the oldest picked the Underworld. These were then their places of power forever.

Who were the big three in Greek Mythology -?

The Big Three are:Zeus: The king of gods and lord of the sky.Poseidon: The god of the sea, and the creator of horses.Hades: The god of the Underworld, and riches found in the underworld.

What happen to persephone if she ate anything in the underworld?

If she ate anything, she would've had to stay in the underworld. This happened when she ate a pomegranate which had three seeds. Therefore, she would have to stay in the underworld for three seasons out of four.Once she ate the food of the underworld, she would be forced to stay there.

What would happen to Persephone if she anything in the underworld?

If she ate anything, she would've had to stay in the underworld. This happened when she ate a pomegranate which had three seeds. Therefore, she would have to stay in the underworld for three seasons out of four.Once she ate the food of the underworld, she would be forced to stay there.