The oldest person to have their appendix removed was 102 years old.
The oldest person on record is Jeanne Calment from France, who lived to be 122 years and 164 days old before passing away in 1997.
The oldest person recorded to have had an appendectomy was 102 years old. The surgery was successful, and the person recovered well from the procedure.
As of 2021, the oldest person in Rhode Island is likely not publicly known or tracked due to privacy reasons. The oldest verified person in the world is currently Kane Tanaka from Japan, who was born on January 2, 1903.
The oldest unambiguously documented person in the world was Jeanne Calment, who lived to 122 years, 164 days. The oldest living person as of now (5/16/11) is Besse Cooper, who is 114 years old.
the oldest person is louis tomlinson
The oldest person in the world may be of any gender. The record for the oldest verified person is currently held by a female.
There is no listing for the oldest person in Alaska. The oldest person ever to live in the United States was 119 years of age.
The age of the oldest person in the world is 116 years.
The oldest living person in Panama is 86 years old
the oldest person is Jeanne Louise Calment she died in 1995
Tom is the oldest in the group
The world's oldest person, Misao Okawa, turned 116 in 2014.
The oldest person to have their appendix removed was 102 years old.
The oldest person on The Next Step is Emily, who is portrayed by Alexandra Beaton.
The oldest person ever was in fact 123
Tom is the oldest in the group. Nathan is the youngest