Meg was the oldest sister in Little Women.
Spectacular Blue Smith is the oldest member of Pretty Ricky.
The oldest woman to have a number 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 chart is Cher. She achieved this in 1999 with her song "Believe" when she was 52 years old.
As of 2021, the oldest person in Rhode Island is likely not publicly known or tracked due to privacy reasons. The oldest verified person in the world is currently Kane Tanaka from Japan, who was born on January 2, 1903.
This woman you can find in the guiness world records. but she is 137.I think that might be wrong, I think it's 122the woman that i had found is 128My Gran Knows Her She Is 132
67 years old.
I believe the oldest woman to have a baby was in her 60's.
Abraham's wife Sarah was 90 years old.
It entirely depends on the woman. There was a 74 year old woman in India who gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby.
The oldest woman to climb the snowdon summit to the top and back is 82
The oldest man is 124 but the oldest woman is 127.
As of July 2014, the oldest woman in the world is Misao Okawa. She is from Japan. She is 116 years old.
The oldest man on earth I heard was 113 years old. Then there's the oldest woman and she was 114 years old. The oldest man is 120 and woman was 114
Louis is the oldest in the band and harry is the baby of the band