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The cell walls around the cell membrane all link together with other cells. This creates a regular pattern and makes them link together more closely, compared to an animal cell which is mostly random.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

Plant cells are not typically square, but they can appear square due to the rigid cell wall that surrounds them. The cell wall provides structural support and maintains the cell's shape, often giving plant cells a more defined and angular appearance compared to animal cells.

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13y ago

Plant cells have a rigid cell wall which gives a very strong structure to the cell allowing it to keep it's structure, yet animal cells don't have this cell wall so they just resort to a sort of circular cell shape.

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13y ago

Because the rectangular shape allows the cells to be able to neatly stack against one another with a minimal amount of empty space between adjacent cells.

This is necessary for structural support in plants, which do not have an internal or external skeleton as do animals.

The cell walls of plants are made of cellulose and are rigid - by being tightly packed, the serve the same function as a skeleton.

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14y ago

The reason why plant cells are square are because they have a cell wall and animal cells dont.!!

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12y ago

it is because plant cells have cellulose in them.

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12y ago

Plant's cell walls are rectangular because it allows the plant to hold it's shape and be stable.

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13y ago

Yes, plant cells are rectangular. Only plant cells are rectangular~(animal cells are round)~

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12y ago

Cell wall

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Q: Why are plant cells square?
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Are animal cells more round than plant cells?

Animal cells have a round shape where as a plant cell is more square.

What cell is square?

Plant cells, OMG how did you not know that

How are animal cells are differentfrom plant cells?

Plant cells are more square shaped, while animal cells are more round-like. Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts while animal cells don't have either of these, and plant cells have a larger vacuole than animal cells. :)

What cell has a square shape?

Plant cells typically have a square shape due to the presence of a rigid cell wall that maintains their structure. This square shape helps provide support and protection to the plant cell.

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because plant cells build up like bricks, and because they have a cell wall that protects it and it just happens to be a square

Why is the shape on a plant cell straighert than an animal cells?

Basically, plant cells have walls and vascular plants use these walls to maintain turgor by holding on to a amount of water in the cells. Gives many plant cells a somewhat square look.

What is the difference between plant cells eukaryote cells and prokaryote cells?

cell is just a general term. plant cells have large vacuoles, rigid cell wall, and a square shape. eukaryote cells have a nucleus, whereas a prokaryote does not.

How are animal cells different from plant cells?

Animal cells do not have a cell wall or chloroplasts, which are found in plant cells. Animal cells typically have a rounder shape, while plant cells tend to have a more rigid and square shape. Additionally, animal cells typically have one or more small vacuoles, while plant cells have one large central vacuole.

How are bacterial cell different from animal and plant cells?

bacterial are much smaller plant cells are square shaped and animal cells are round also bacteria are prokaryotes,they dont have a nucleus,unlike plants and animal cells that do have a nucleus.

What is the difference between plant and animal cell?

Plant cells have a rigid cell wall, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and a large central vacuole, while animal cells lack a cell wall, chloroplasts, and have smaller vacuoles. Additionally, plant cells typically have a rectangular or square shape, while animal cells have a more irregular shape.

Chloroplasts are found in what types of cells?

Plant cells, not animal cells.

Do animals and plants have cells?

Totally, there are definitely cells in plants and animals, but they are very different. In a plant, the cells are in a square shape. In animals, the cells are round. Hope this helps you whoever you are lol!