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Quantitative measurements are used, because science and medicine rely on exactly that, quantities. The other option would be qualitative measurements (large, small, good, bad, etc), and since that wouldn't allow science or medicine to operate with any precision, quantitative measurements are used.

The metric system is used because the exchange of information across scientists and doctors around the world is important to progress in these fields. Since there are about 20 times as many people in the world who use the metric system compared to English units, scientists and doctors in the US use the more common and easily understood system.

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Quantitative measurements are used in science and medicine because they provide precise and accurate data for analysis and comparison. The metric system is preferred for its consistency and ease of conversion between units, making it ideal for scientific research and international collaboration.

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Q: Why are quantitative measurements and the metric system are used in science and medicine?
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Why do you collect quantitative measurements in metric units in science and medicine?

It is a more logical system, where everything is divisible by 10. With other units, everything is arbitrary.

2 types of measurements?

Two types of measurements are qualitative measurements, which describe the quality or characteristics of an object without using numbers, and quantitative measurements, which involve numerical values or quantities to describe an object's attributes.

Why do you use metric measurements in science?

i think they use metric system because it is easier to know.

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Almost all scientists use metric units for scientific measurements.

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The type of measurement used in science is typically quantitative, where observations are expressed in numerical values. This allows for precise and standardized comparisons and analysis of data. Measurements in science are often made using units of measurement such as meters, grams, seconds, etc.

Is it true that lavoisier transformed science by making its focus on taking measurements instead of making observations?

Yes, Antoine Lavoisier did revolutionize science by emphasizing the importance of quantitative measurements in chemical reactions. He is considered the father of modern chemistry for his role in developing the law of conservation of mass and the metric system. While observations were still important, Lavoisier's emphasis on precise measurements laid the foundation for the scientific method as we know it today.

Why is it important to learn the about metric system?

Learning the metric system is important because it is the universal system of measurement used in science, medicine, and most countries around the world. Understanding the metric system will help you communicate measurements accurately and efficiently, and make it easier to work with international colleagues and data.

What type of thermometer is used by a scientist?

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