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The two resonance configuration is equally probable in benzene. i.e. all the c-c bonds have 50% probability of single bond and double bond. As a result all the bonds become equal.

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In benzene, the delocalization of electrons in the pi system creates a symmetric charge distribution around the ring, resulting in equal sharing of electron density between all carbon atoms. This leads to the concept of resonance, where the actual molecule is a hybrid of different resonance structures. As a result, the carbon-carbon bonds in benzene are equivalent and have partial double bond character.

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Q: Why c-c bond are equal in benzene due to resonance?
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Which compound contains a longer C-C bond benzene or ethene?

Benzene contains longer C-C bonds compared to ethene. In benzene, the C-C bond length is intermediate between a single bond and a double bond due to resonance, whereas in ethene, the C-C bond is a double bond which is shorter and stronger than a single bond.

Why benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction whereas alkenes undergoes addition reaction?

Benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions due to its aromatic stabilization, which makes the molecule more stable after replacing a hydrogen with an electrophile. Alkenes undergo addition reactions because they have a reactive pi-bond that readily accepts nucleophiles or electrophiles to form new single bonds, leading to increased stability.

Why halobenzenes are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction?

Halobenzenes are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions compared to alkyl halides because the pi electrons in the benzene ring participate in resonance stabilization, making it difficult for the nucleophile to attack the electrophilic carbon atom. This resonance has a stabilizing effect on the benzene ring, reducing its reactivity towards nucleophiles.

Do alkenes show mesomerism?

Yes, alkenes can exhibit mesomerism due to the presence of π electrons in the double bond, allowing for resonance stabilization. This can lead to delocalization of electrons along the pi bond, resulting in different resonance structures with varying bond orders.

What is the length of carbon bonds in benzene?

The carbon-carbon bonds in benzene are all the same length, approximately 1.39 angstroms. This is shorter than a typical carbon-carbon single bond due to the delocalized pi-electron cloud in the benzene ring structure.

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Which compound contains a longer C-C bond benzene or ethene?

Benzene contains longer C-C bonds compared to ethene. In benzene, the C-C bond length is intermediate between a single bond and a double bond due to resonance, whereas in ethene, the C-C bond is a double bond which is shorter and stronger than a single bond.

Are all C-C bond distances the same in C6H6?

No, in benzene (C6H6), the C-C bond distances are not all the same. Benzene exhibits a hexagonal structure with alternating shorter and longer C-C bond lengths due to resonance delocalization of electrons in the π system.

Why single and double bond length are same in benzene?

The carbon-carbon single and double bonds in benzene alternate around the ring due to resonance. This results in a hybrid structure where all carbon-carbon bonds in benzene are equivalent, with bond lengths between that of a single bond and a double bond. As a result, all bond lengths in benzene are the same.

Benzene is what kind of bond type?

Benzene contains delocalized pi bonds, making it an example of an aromatic compound with resonance structures. These resonance structures are due to the delocalization of pi electrons around the ring, resulting in a more stable molecule.

Why benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction whereas alkenes undergoes addition reaction?

Benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions due to its aromatic stabilization, which makes the molecule more stable after replacing a hydrogen with an electrophile. Alkenes undergo addition reactions because they have a reactive pi-bond that readily accepts nucleophiles or electrophiles to form new single bonds, leading to increased stability.

Why c c bonds in benzene are intermediate in length between single and double c c bonds?

The bond lengths in benzene are intermediate because each carbon-carbon bond is a hybrid of a single bond and a double bond due to resonance stabilization. This results in a delocalized pi electron cloud above and below the ring, causing the bond lengths to be an average between a single and double bond.

What type of hybridisation in benzene?

Benzene exhibits sp2 hybridization. In benzene, each carbon atom forms three sigma bonds with other carbons and hydrogens, along with one pi bond due to π overlap of p orbitals. This results in a planar structure with 120° bond angles between carbon atoms.

Why halobenzenes are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction?

Halobenzenes are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions compared to alkyl halides because the pi electrons in the benzene ring participate in resonance stabilization, making it difficult for the nucleophile to attack the electrophilic carbon atom. This resonance has a stabilizing effect on the benzene ring, reducing its reactivity towards nucleophiles.

Why does OH and OR group activate the benzene ring?

The OH and OR groups are electron-donating groups that can donate electron density to the benzene ring through resonance, making it more electron-rich and activating it towards electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions. This is due to the ability of the oxygen atom in these groups to stabilize the positive charge in the resonance structures of the benzene ring.

Why does AMINE group activate the benzene ring more than the hydroxyl group?

The amino group activates the benzene ring more than the hydroxyl group because it is electron-donating due to its lone pair of electrons. This lone pair can delocalize into the benzene ring through resonance, stabilizing the molecule. In comparison, the hydroxyl group is electron-withdrawing due to its electronegative oxygen atom, which deactivates the benzene ring through resonance.

Is chlorobenzene polar or non polar?

Chlorobenzene is considered nonpolar because the dipole moments of the C-Cl bond cancel each other out due to the symmetrical structure of the benzene ring.

Why are the bond lengths in no3- all identical and shorter than a nitrogen-oxygen single bond?

The nitrate ion (NO3-) has all identical and shorter bond lengths because of the resonance structure of the molecule. The delocalization of electrons through resonance causes the bond lengths to be equalized. The actual structure is an average between multiple resonance structures, leading to equal bond lengths. The bonds in NO3- are shorter than a nitrogen-oxygen single bond due to the partial double bond character resulting from resonance stabilization.