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First, cubic centimeter is the same as milliliter. Second, to indicate density you divide ANY unit of mass by ANY unit of volume. For example, you might use pounds per square foot, solar masses per cubic light-year, etc.

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3w ago

Density can be measured in grams per cubic centimeter or grams per milliliter because both units represent the same volume of a substance. Since 1 milliliter is equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter, the density of a substance will be the same whether measured in grams per cubic centimeter or grams per milliliter.

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Q: Why can density be measured either in grams per cubic centimeter or in grams per millililiter?
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How could you find the density of a potato?

first, you weigh it to get its mass. then you acquire its volume, since it has an irregular shape, you apply water displacement method. get a calibrated cylinder, note the initial water level and gently drop the potato in. measure the resulting water level and subtract it with the initial water level. this is your volume. density= mass/volume simply divide what you measured in grams with the volume of the potato (cm3). unit of density is grams per cubic centimeter or g/cm3

What units would you use to measure a person's height?

To determine how tall you are, you should use a tape measure or a ruler. After you've made the measurement, you can use any unit of length to write it down, remember it, and describe it to others. The best unit to use is the one that results in the most convenient number. For your height, the most convenient metric unit will be either the meter or the centimeter.

What are the density and identify units of density?

Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance. It is often expressed in units such as grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3) for solids and liquids, and grams per liter (g/L) for gases.

What is the mass and volume if the density is 57 lb cu?

To find the mass and volume, we need more information such as the object being measured or its shape. Density is defined as mass per unit volume, so without knowing either the mass or volume, we cannot calculate the other. Can you provide more details so we can assist further?

How do you calculate the density of citric acid?

To calculate the density of citric acid, you need to know its mass and volume. Measure the mass of a given amount of citric acid using a balance. Then, measure the volume by either carefully pouring it into a graduated cylinder or by performing a displacement method. Finally, divide the mass of citric acid by its volume to calculate the density, typically expressed in grams per milliliter (g/mL) or grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³).

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How many solid cubic inches equals an ounce?

You need the density to this question. Density is mass per unit volume usually expressed in grams per cubic centimeter or kilograms per cubic meter. You can conver either of these to ounces per cubic inch using Google.

How do you write three-quarters of a centimeter?

either 7.5mm or 0.75cm

Does gas have density?

AnswerGas, as well as everything in the universe has density, though some densities are either too high or too low to be detected, observed or measured by the human eye nor the technological gadgetry designed and used by scientists for that specific purpose.

What units would you use to measure a person's height?

To determine how tall you are, you should use a tape measure or a ruler. After you've made the measurement, you can use any unit of length to write it down, remember it, and describe it to others. The best unit to use is the one that results in the most convenient number. For your height, the most convenient metric unit will be either the meter or the centimeter.

What are the steps the density of an object?

To calculate the density of an object, you need to determine its mass and volume. First, measure the mass of the object using a scale. Then, measure the volume of the object either by calculating it directly (for regular shapes) or by using displacement method (for irregular shapes). Finally, divide the mass by the volume to calculate the density, typically expressed in units such as grams per cubic centimeter.

How does the amount of heat transferred to a system can be measured in?

The amount of heat transferred to a system can be measured using a device called a calorimeter, which can measure changes in temperature of the system and surroundings. The heat transfer is quantified in units of energy, typically joules or calories, based on the temperature change and the specific heat capacity of the materials involved.

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Saturn is the planet that is so light that it could float on water. Its average density is less than water, which gives it the unique characteristic of being able to float in a large enough body of water.

What units are distances to stars measured in and why?

Usually such distances are measured either in light-years, or in parsecs.

Matter measured in grams or kilograms?

Matter can be measured in either grams or kilograms or a combination of both.

What is the amount of liquid measured in L or ml?

Either. It depends on the amount of liquid to be measured and the precision required.

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either miles or yards.

What is the density of corn syrup if its volume is 7.25cm?

You can't figure out the density from volume alone. You either need to look it up (in this case, the density is independent of the volume), or divide the mass by the volume.You can't figure out the density from volume alone. You either need to look it up (in this case, the density is independent of the volume), or divide the mass by the volume.You can't figure out the density from volume alone. You either need to look it up (in this case, the density is independent of the volume), or divide the mass by the volume.You can't figure out the density from volume alone. You either need to look it up (in this case, the density is independent of the volume), or divide the mass by the volume.