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I think we get this wrong from simplifying history. Copernicus' theories and observations of other scientists had been common knowledge for some time. The scientists communicated with one another. Even the ancients had some clues or knowledge of the heliocentricity of our solar system. However, in 1633 some 160 years after Copernicus was born, Galileo was persecuted by the Church more for petty political reasons than for his totally old had idea about the Sun being the centre of the solar system.

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Copernicus was concerned about the controversial nature of his heliocentric theory conflicting with religious teachings. He feared backlash from the church, as the theory contradicted the geocentric model supported by the Catholic Church at the time. Additionally, he wanted to refine his theories and gather more evidence before making them public.

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Q: Why did Copernicus keep his theory quiet and not publish them?
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Why did Copernicus keep his theory to himself?

Copernicus likely kept his theory of heliocentrism to himself out of fear of backlash from the prevailing religious and scientific authorities of his time, who favored the geocentric model. He may have also wanted to further refine his theory and gather more evidence before presenting it to the public.

How many people are named Glecy in the world?

Impossible to say. Many countries do not keep such records or publish them

Why did nicolaus Copernicus keep his work secret?

Copernicus kept his work on the heliocentric model of the solar system secret because it challenged the widely accepted geocentric model supported by the church and prominent scholars of his time. He may have feared backlash, controversy, or persecution for presenting a theory that contradicted existing beliefs.

How was Copernicus' model of the universe different from ptomely's model?

Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model of the universe with the sun at the center, while Ptolemy's model was geocentric, with the Earth at the center. Copernicus' model revolutionized astronomy by correctly positioning the planets in relation to the sun and providing a simpler explanation for the motion of celestial bodies.

Was the heliocentric system Copernicus' invention?

No, the heliocentric system was proposed by Copernicus in the 16th century, but the idea had been suggested by ancient Greek astronomers like Aristarchus of Samos. Copernicus's model placed the Sun at the center of the solar system, with Earth and other planets orbiting around it.

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Why did Copernicus keep his theory to himself?

Copernicus likely kept his theory of heliocentrism to himself out of fear of backlash from the prevailing religious and scientific authorities of his time, who favored the geocentric model. He may have also wanted to further refine his theory and gather more evidence before presenting it to the public.

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Keep It Quiet was created in 1933.

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'Keep quiet' is translated 'tiens-toi tranquille' in French.

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Keep quiet is refraining or preventing someone from speaking or from disclosing something that is secret.

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Keep Quiet - 1912 was released on: USA: 2 April 1912

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keep it to yourself keep your yap shut don't make a sound don't breathe a word be as quiet as a mouse so quiet you can hear a pin drop

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Antonyms for blurted are 'be quiet'; 'keep quiet' or conceal, hide..

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the only way to keep him quiet is to fry him up lol

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up up and away keep me in sight.