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Stellar parallax could not be observed until hundreds of years after Copernicus: the effect is very small. Rejection of the Copernican system was not irrational.

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In Copernicus's time, the lack of perceived stellar parallax was not considered strong evidence because people believed that the stars were too distant for their motion to be detected. Additionally, many were entrenched in the geocentric model due to longstanding tradition, religious beliefs, and lack of understanding of heliocentric principles. It took further advancements in observational technology and understanding of astronomy for the heliocentric model to gain widespread acceptance.

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Q: Why did the existence of stellar parallax not convince people in Copernicus time that his model was better than Ptolemys geopcentric model?
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What the spreading of information to convince others of an idea?

This is called dissemination of information

Obstinate in a sentence?

Despite numerous attempts to convince him otherwise, he remained obstinate in his decision to quit his job.

Who published his views of Earth and other planets revolving around the Sun in 1543?

Nobody "discovered" that the Sun was at the centre of the Solar system.Aristarchus of Samos, a greek philosopher and astronomer (310BC-230BC) first presented the theory that the Sun was at the centre of the solar system (heliocentrism) but his ideas were rejected in favour of the theories of Ptolemy and Aristotle that the Earth was at the centre (geocentrism).Copernicus (1473-1543) re-raised, developed and published the heliocentric theory in the 16th Century (nearly 1800 years after Aristarchus). It was a contentious issue, and the heliocentric theory was supported by Galileo (1564-1642) but he was persecuted (tried by the Roman Church's inquisition and found guilty of heresy) till he died.Aristarchus of Samos, a Greek astronomer and mathematician about 2400 years ago.

How did Copernicus eventually convince others that his theory was more accurate?

He argued vigorously that the way to truth was to observe, rather than to philosophize. For example, when others argued that Jupiter couldn't possibly have satellites because such moons would serve no purpose, Galileo insisted that the answer could be found simply by looking at Jupiter through a telescope.

What erosional process might convince a person not to purchase a home built on an ocean shore?

The erosional process of coastal erosion could convince a person not to purchase a home built on an ocean shore. This process involves the gradual wearing away of land due to wave action, storms, and rising sea levels, which could jeopardize the stability and safety of a home located on the coastline.

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Did Nicolaus Copernicus have friends?

Yes. In an exchange of letters, they tried to convince him to not share his idea on the heliocentric theory.

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The prefix of "convince" is "con-".

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The past participle of convince is convinced.

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How do you use the word convince in a sentence?

You need to convince that person to help us.