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The solar system has 8 planets more than 90 moons and tons of debris that all makes a solar system.A family has mom,dads,aunts,uncles,kids,and grandparents all make a family.Thats why they referre the solar system to the suns family because they both need something to create what they need to

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2w ago

The solar system is often referred to as the Sun's family because it consists of the Sun at its center, along with all the celestial bodies that orbit around it, such as planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. The Sun's gravity holds these objects in orbit around it, much like a parent holding their children close.

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Q: Why do you think the solar system is often referred to as the Sun's family?
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I referred to the encyclopedia to find information on the solar system.

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What is the name for the Sun and its family of planets?

The sun and its family of planets has a description, not a name. It is "the solar system." The word "solar" means "pertaining to the sun." Thus "the solar system" is the system of objects and gases that pertain to the sun. The word "Sol," Latin for "the sun," is sometimes used as the name of our sun in fiction, but until we actually have populations resident in other solar systems, there is no need to give ours a name. It is "the" solar system, the way the navy of the United Kingdom is simply "The" Royal Navy. Only the others need names, to distinguish them from "the" original.

Why is the Solar System often referred to as the Sun's family?

The Solar System is often referred to as the Sun's family because it consists of the Sun at its center, with planets, moons, asteroids, and comets that orbit around it. Just like a family, all the members of the Solar System are interconnected and influenced by the Sun's gravity.

What solar system is Saturn in?

The gas giant Saturn is located in the solar system orbiting the star Sol, sometimes referred to as the "Terran System."

What number is the earth?

Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system. It is often referred to as "planet number three" or "the third planet."

What is the red planet of the solar system?

Mars is the only planet in the Solar System that is distinctly red in colour. It is commonly referred to as the Red Planet.

Which is ninth planet of solar system?

There are only eight planets in the Solar System. The celestial body commonly referred to as the "ninth" planet in the Solar System is Pluto, which has been reclassified as a dwarf planet in recent years.

What kind of air surrounds the solar system?

There is no atmosphere in space. As such, there is no air. It is often referred to as empty space or alternately dark matter. There is a good article at the site in the related links.

What is sunlight's energy called?

Sunlight is electromagnetic radiation often referred to as solar power.