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This simply means that Jupiter rotates so fast that it takes about 10 hours (10 of our hours) for a full rotation.

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3w ago

A day on Jupiter is only 10 hours long because the planet rotates very quickly on its axis. Jupiter's fast rotation speed results in a shorter day compared to Earth's 24-hour day.

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How long is a average day on Jupiter?

The planet Jupiter has a day of only 9 hours and 50 minutes. Imagine how short that is!

Is a day on Jupiter longer than a day on earth?

No, it's only about 10 hours long.

What is longer a day on Earth or a day on Jupiter?

A day on Jupiter is shorter than a day on Earth. A day on Earth is approximately 24 hours, while a day on Jupiter lasts about 9.9 hours.

A day in Jupiter is not quite what hours?

A day on Jupiter is about 9.9 Earth hours. Due to its fast rotation, Jupiter experiences very short days compared to Earth.

Which is longer a day on earth or a day on Jupiter?

A day on Jupiter is shorter than a day on Earth. A day on Earth lasts about 24 hours, while a day on Jupiter only lasts about 10 hours. This is due to Jupiter's rapid rotation on its axis.

Are Jupiter's days fast or long?

Quite fast, a day on Jupiter is 9.925 hours long.

How long does it take for jupiter rotate around its axis one day?

Jupiter's rotation period is about 10 hours, so a day on Jupiter is approximately 10 hours long.

Does earth have a longer day than Jupiter?

Yes 1 day on Earth is 24 hours, 1 day on Jupiter is about 9.9 hours

Does jupiter has a longer day than earth?

Yes, Jupiter has a much longer day than Earth. A day on Jupiter lasts about 10 hours, while a day on Earth is about 24 hours long.

How many hours is a day on Jupiter?

A day on Jupiter lasts approximately 9.9 hours. Jupiter has a fast rotation rate, which results in its short day compared to Earth's 24-hour day.

A day in Jupiter is how long?

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet in the Solar System. The length of one day on Jupiter is 9 hours and 56 minutes.

How long is the length of day in Jupiter?

9 hours and 55 minutes