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It isn't. The rest of the body is small.

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Q: Why is it that the head of an eight week fetus is bigger than that of an adult of twenty five years?
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What is the meaning of growth of a fetus?

A fetus is another name for an unborn baby, and growth is how it gets bigger.

What is the life cycle of the lizard?

From Fetus (egg), to adolescent, to adult

Vessel with the highest oxygen concentration fetus or Adult?

Pulmonary vein

When does the fetus develop teeth in the gums?

in eight week of pregnancy

What facial make up brands are made from aborted fetus?

There are no products that use human cells, whether fetus, baby, or adult cells.

How do the number of bones in a human fetus compare to the adult human skull and whether sutures are still open or fused?

The human fetus has 275 bones, many more than the 206 bones found in the adult skeleton. This is because many of the bones described as single bones in the adult have not yet fully ossified and fused in the fetus. The skull's sutures do not close until after the infant ages. Adult sutures are fully closed.

How would you list human development in the correct order?

zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, child, adolescent, adult (young adult, middle adult, elderly)

What is the developing baby called during the first trimester?

The embryonic period extends to the end of the eight week. After the embryonic period (8weeks), the developing human is called a fetus.

Can an adult baby have a relationship?

There is no such thing as an adult baby. It would be the same as asking whether a teen fetus can run around in his house.

How much should a twenty seven week old human fetus weigh?

A human fetus that is 26-29 weeks gestation has an average weight of 1110-1350 grams.

Why does an adult have 206 bones and a fetus have 300?

because fetal bones fuse together

How does the fetus develop?

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