female is the strongest gender because they have a strong spirit to believe that they can do as men does.
The noun 'scout' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female.
In gender symbolization, a circle typically represents the female gender due to its association with the moon, femininity, and the womb. This symbol is often utilized in contexts related to women's rights, empowerment, and gender equality.
The ovule of a flower is female. It is the structure within the ovary where the female gametophyte develops and fertilization occurs.
Something without a specific gender is often referred to as "gender-neutral" or "non-binary." This term is used to describe individuals whose gender identity does not strictly align with being male or female.
A person with no specific gender identity may identify as non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, or gender-neutral. These are terms used by individuals who do not exclusively identify as male or female.
The female gender for "negro" is "negra."
The female gender of landlord is landlady.
The noun volunteer is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female.
These are all the Baby Pokemon (as of November 2015), and the gender ratio for each:Azurill (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Bonsly (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Budew (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Chingling (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Cleffa (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Elekid (Gender Ratio: Male 75% Female 25%)Happiny (Gender Ratio: Male 0% Female 100%)Igglybuff (Gender Ratio: Male 25% Female 75%)Magby (Gender Ratio: Male 75% Female 25%)Mantyke (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Mime Jr. (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Munchlax (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Pichu (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)Riolu (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Smoochum (Gender Ratio: Male 0% Female 100%)Togepi (Gender Ratio: Male 87.5% Female 12.5%)Tyrogue (Gender Ratio: Male 100% Female 0%)Wynaut (Gender Ratio: Male 50% Female 50%)
The opposite gender of Foster will depend on whether Foster is a male or female. If Foster is a male, the opposite gender would be female. If Foster is a female, the opposite gender would be male.
The gender of a heifer is female.
In many cultures, red is associated with masculinity, strength, and power, not specifically with female gender. Gender identity is diverse and not determined by color associations.
English uses gender specific nouns for male, female, common gender (words that can be a male or a female), and neuter nouns (words for things that have no gender). Some examples are:Male gender: father, male parent.Female gender: mother, female parent.Common gender: parent.Neuter gender: relationship.Male gender: bull, adult male bovine.Female gender: cow, adult female bovine.Common gender: cattle, oxen, bison, and buffalo; types of bovine.Neuter gender: hamburger.
Lion. The female gender is lioness.
Mum - IS female gender !
Cher's gender is that of a female.
Female violence is only one gender, therefore gender differences do not apply