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Measurement error and rounding error are the main reasons. Irregularity in shape may also be a factor.

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3w ago

Discrepancies between calculated theoretical volume and experimentally obtained volume can be due to factors such as inaccuracies in measurements, experimental errors, instrumental limitations, environmental conditions, and sample impurities. It is important to carefully assess these factors and take appropriate measures to minimize errors in the experimental procedure.

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Q: Why is there a discrepancy between the calculated theoretical volume and the experimentally obtained volume?
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What is the amount of product actually formed when a reaction is carried out in the laboratory?

The actual amount of product formed in a reaction can be determined by calculating the yield, which is the percentage of the theoretical maximum amount of product that is actually obtained in the laboratory. Factors such as reaction conditions, purity of reactants, and side reactions can affect the yield of a reaction. The yield can be calculated by dividing the actual amount of product obtained by the theoretical maximum amount and multiplying by 100.

Amount of product obtainable under ideal conditions?

The maximum amount of product that can be obtained under ideal conditions is known as the theoretical yield. This value is calculated based on stoichiometry and assumes that all reactants are completely converted into products without any losses. Achieving the theoretical yield is rare in practical situations and is often used as a benchmark for evaluating the efficiency of a reaction.

What is the percent yield for Na plus Cl2 -- 2NaCl?

The theoretical yield of 2NaCl is based on stoichiometry, while the actual yield is based on the amount of product obtained in the reaction. The percent yield can be calculated by dividing the actual yield by the theoretical yield and multiplying by 100%. It gives an indication of how efficient the reaction was in producing the desired product.

What is the maximum possible amount of product obtained in a chemical reactions?

It is a Theoretical Yield

A chemist synthesizes tin iodide according to the chemical reaction shown below The chemist starts with 15.0 g of tin and excess iodine After the reaction 66.3 g of tin iodide are obtained What is?

Theoretical yield is the maximum amount of product that can be obtained from a given amount of reactants, assuming the reaction goes to completion and no side reactions occur. In this case, the theoretical yield of tin iodide can be calculated by using the balanced chemical equation and the molar masses of tin and iodine.

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What is the importance of theoretical and experimental research in physics?

Theoretical results obtained give an approximate range of the experimental results. This indicates the issues that occur before implementing it experimentally.

What is the difference between actual yield and theoretical yield?

Theoretical= calculated

Why does the theoretical yield differ from the actual yield?

The theoretical yield is the amount of product that we predict will be obtained, calculated from the eqquation. The actual yield is the amount of product that is actually obtained at the end of the procedure.

How is percent yield calculated?


How do you obtain percent yield of a reaction?

the amount of product obtained over the amount possible multiplied by 100

Compare experimental and theoretical probability?

Experimental probability is obtained by repeatedly carrying out an experiment. It is the ratio of the number of favourable outcomes and the total number of experiments. Theoretical probability is calculated from a model of the experiment using the laws of physics or nature (or whatever).

What is the percentage yield of a crystalline product if the theoretical yield is 23.54g and the actual yield obtained was 12.01g?

The percentage yield is calculated using the formula: (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100%. In this case, the percentage yield would be (12.01g / 23.54g) x 100% = 50.95%.

How do you determine percentage yield of p-bromoaniline?

The percentage yield of p-bromoaniline can be calculated by dividing the actual yield by the theoretical yield and multiplying by 100. The actual yield is the amount of p-bromoaniline obtained from the reaction, while the theoretical yield is the maximum amount that can be produced based on the reaction stoichiometry.

What is the amount of product actually formed when a reaction is carried out in the laboratory?

The actual amount of product formed in a reaction can be determined by calculating the yield, which is the percentage of the theoretical maximum amount of product that is actually obtained in the laboratory. Factors such as reaction conditions, purity of reactants, and side reactions can affect the yield of a reaction. The yield can be calculated by dividing the actual amount of product obtained by the theoretical maximum amount and multiplying by 100.

What is the term for the amount of product calculated to be obtained from a given amount of reactant?

The term for the amount of product calculated to be obtained from a given amount of reactant is the theoretical yield. It is based on the stoichiometry of the chemical reaction and assumes 100% efficiency. In reality, the actual yield may be lower due to factors such as side reactions, impurities, or incomplete reactions.

Amount of product obtainable under ideal conditions?

The maximum amount of product that can be obtained under ideal conditions is known as the theoretical yield. This value is calculated based on stoichiometry and assumes that all reactants are completely converted into products without any losses. Achieving the theoretical yield is rare in practical situations and is often used as a benchmark for evaluating the efficiency of a reaction.

Two ways that the theoretical yield differ from the actual yield?

Theoretical yield is the amount of product that should be obtained based on stoichiometry and is ideal. Actual yield is the amount of product actually obtained from a reaction in a real-world scenario and is often lower due to factors such as impurities, incomplete reactions, or side reactions. The percent yield is calculated by comparing the actual yield to the theoretical yield.