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If by "straight on" you mean at 90 degrees to the surface of the medium, that is because light is only deviated if it makes an angle with the normal, which is an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface of the medium. If no angle is made between the normal line and the light ray, then no refraction occurs and the light passes through in a straight line.

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When light enters a refracting medium, its speed changes due to the change in optical density, which causes the light waves to bend. If the light is entering the medium perpendicular to the surface, it will not bend, as there is no change in angle and no deviation occurs.

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Q: Why light passes undeviated falling straight on a refracting medium?
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When a ray light passes normally from one medium to another it gos undeviated?

Yes, when a ray of light passes normally from one medium to another (i.e., the incident angle is zero), it continues in a straight line undeviated. This is because there is no change in speed or direction at the interface between the two media.

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It DOES reflect. Straight back to where it came from.

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Refractive index of the medium is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuum to that in the medium. No unit for refractive index.

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Any change in the refractive index of the medium through which the light is travelling causes refraction of light.

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When a ray of light passes from one medium to another at a right angle (perpendicular incidence), it does not change direction or bend. This is because the refraction angle formula involves the sine of the angle of incidence, so when the angle of incidence is 0 degrees in perpendicular incidence, the sine of 0 is also 0. Therefore, the ray remains undeviated.

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Light will continue in a straight line through the medium unless it encounters a boundary or a change in the medium's properties. It may be absorbed, reflected, or refracted depending on the characteristics of the medium.

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Yes, when light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium and strikes the interface at an angle greater than the critical angle, total internal reflection can occur. In this case, the light ray reflects back into the denser medium instead of refracting into the rarer medium.

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If light waves change speed as they pass from one medium into another at an angle, the light will be refracted, meaning it will bend as it enters the new medium. This bending is due to the change in speed of the light wave.

What is refract the light?

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