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Can you imagine the chaos if everyone's weighing scales were a little bit different. If you purchased a bag of cement and its weight was 1 Kilogram different to the precise weight of the last bag I bought at another shop, not only did one of the shops cheat on me, but my concrete mixture would be different each time . Imagine if I ordered some window blinds, and told the supplier they needed to be 150 cm wide. If his measuring tape was only 5 mm longer than the one that I had used to check the length I needed; then the blinds would not fit my window brackets and they would be returned. Think about these things ! Everyone in the entire world MUST use measuring instruments which are all PRECISELY the same. This prevents cheating on quantities of food that we pay for and it prevents people making things which are a little bit too large or a little bit too small to 'fit' properly.

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9mo ago

Measurement standards are necessary to ensure consistency, accuracy, and comparability in measurements. They provide a common reference point for everyone to use, promoting fairness and transparency in trade, science, and everyday activities. Standardized measurements help avoid confusion and errors, enabling reliable communication and decision-making.

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13y ago

Because if we told someone that the stick was 8 long, the other person would not know what units you were using (e.g. 8 cm or 8 in for example). This is why we need ways to define measurement.

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What is the proof that water is in the air?

Relative humidity. There are many measurement standards.

Does measurement standards avoid ambiguity?

Yes, measurement standards help avoid ambiguity by providing a consistent and precise reference point for conveying quantities. They establish a common framework for communication and ensure that everyone understands the units and values being used in a particular context.

What is Measurement standard?

Measurement standards are authoritative references used to ensure uniformity, accuracy, and consistency in measurements. They define specific units of measurement, such as length, weight, volume, time, or temperature, and provide guidelines on how these measurements should be made and recorded to facilitate reliable and comparable data. When everyone adheres to the same measurement standards, it promotes transparency, interoperability, and trust in the results obtained.

Who is responsible for establishing measurement standards that are use by engineers and manfacturers today?

The International System of Units (SI) is responsible for establishing measurement standards used by engineers and manufacturers today. The SI system provides a coherent set of units based on fundamental constants of nature, ensuring consistency and accuracy in measurements worldwide.

Discuss various standard used in calibration?

Some common standards used in calibration include ISO 9000 series for quality management, ISO/IEC 17025 for testing and calibration laboratories, and NIST for calibration in the United States. These standards provide guidelines for ensuring accuracy, reliability, and consistency in measurement processes. Adhering to these standards helps to maintain traceability, document procedures, and ensure the reliability of measurement results.

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Why did your ancesters create measurement standards?

because it did

What bis measurement?

bureau of Indian standards

What is setting performance standards?

measurement of actual performance

Who is responssible for establishing measurement standards that are used by engineers and manufacturers today?

The responsibility for establishing measurement standards that are used by engineers and manufacturers today lies primarily with national and international standards organizations. In the United States, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) plays a key role in developing and maintaining measurement standards. Similarly, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) sets international standards that are widely adopted and used worldwide.

What is the proof that water is in the air?

Relative humidity. There are many measurement standards.

What has the author B Stephen Carpenter written?

B. Stephen Carpenter has written: 'Calibrated glass standards for fission track use (supplement to NBS SP 260-49)' -- subject(s): Glass, Measurement, Neutron flux standards, Standards, Thermal neutrons 'Calibrated glass standards for fission track use' -- subject(s): Glass, Measurement, Neutron flux standards, Standards, Thermal neutrons

What is researched in metrology?

Metrology is the science of measurement. It involves the research and development of measurement techniques, standards, and tools to ensure accuracy, precision, and consistency in measurements across various fields such as physics, engineering, chemistry, and biology. Research in metrology aims to improve measurement technology, establish international measurement standards, and advance the accuracy and reliability of measurements.

What makes an inch measurement the same from state to state?

The "inch" measurement is an imperial standard measure (it came from the old British standards). Thus it is not dependant on the state in which you live. You should actually look at the international standards for measurement (The ISO standards) which the rest of the world ?(including the British) now use. This makes the unit of length the "metre" standard between all countries (except the US).

What were the objectives of the International Federation of Accountants?

Its original terms of reference emphasized (1) the promotion of harmonized accounting standards, that is, measurement and disclosure standards, and (2) the development of harmonized professional standards

What many standardized units of measurement were once based on?

ancient worldwide standards

For art submission which comes first height or width?

Height is first.According to FACTS, the organization of Fine Art Care and Treatment Standards International Standards Guide for Taking, Recording, and Communicating Dimensions (of art) the vertical measurement (height) is recorded first, followed by the horizontal measurement (width), and in the case of three dimensional works, the depth measurement is recorded last.

Necessary standards of conduct and dress are often explained in the?

Necessary standard of conduct and dress are often explained in the code of conduct.