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i dont know? dont use this for your ied do nows

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1mo ago

A designer might need to know the volume and surface area of an object to determine the amount of materials needed for construction, to calculate the capacity of the object, and to optimize the design for cost efficiency and functionality. Understanding these measurements can help ensure that the design meets the intended specifications and requirements.

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Q: Why might a designer need to know the volume and surface area of an object?
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How might the surface area to volume affect the ratio affect the abilty of a cell to take in and use nutrients from its environment?

Larger surface area can be favourable to increased rated of exchange whereas greater cell volume can be unfavourabe. Being a three dimensional structure the rate in which volume grows is higher than the rate of surface area growth.

What sort of weird cell shape might increase the ratio of surface area to volume?

the increase more than usual

How archimdes might have measured the volume of the crown?

Archimedes likely measured the volume of the crown by placing it in a container of water and measuring the water level before and after submerging the crown. By comparing the water displacement, he could determine the volume of the crown. This method utilizes the principle that the volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the object.

Which is the name for a cube used to measure volume?

That depends on which aspect of the cube you are measuring and the size of the cube.. If you are measuring the dimensions, you might use meters. If you are measuring the surface area, you might use square meters. If you are measuring the volume, you might use cubic meters.

Why are unicellular organisms such as euglena and paramecium restricted to being microscopic in size?

This is because of the surface area compared to the volume area Eg. A small size : large surface area to a small volume. Or the movement of required particles would take to long to sustain life if the cell is to big.

Related questions

For what reasons might a designer need to know the volume and surface area of an object?

Designers must know the volume and surface area of an object because they must know how much space the object has inside it to put mabey parts in the object and to see how much the object weighs to see if it can fit somewhere without breaking it

Why might an object float in water?

An object will float in water if it has a lower density than the water. This means that the weight of the water displaced by the object is greater than the weight of the object itself, causing it to float. buoyant force helps keep the object afloat.

How the density of a regular and irregular objects determined?

The density of a regular object can be determined by dividing the object's mass by its volume. For an irregular object, its density can be found by dividing its mass by the displacement of water when the object is submerged, also known as the buoyant force.

If volume is measured in cubic units how might we calculate the volume of an object?

Volume is length*width*height in cubic units. If this is not possible then when an object is immersed in water the water displaced is equal to the volume of the object which was discovered by Archimedes.

Why might the volume of one object differ from the sum of the volumes of its parts and the volume of another object equal the sum of the volumes of its parts?

the volume of its parts would be equal to the amount off butts an object gives off

Does freezing affect the weight of an object?

Freezing typically does not affect the weight of an object. When an object is frozen, it undergoes a phase change from liquid to solid, but its mass remains the same. However, freezing can cause a slight expansion in volume due to the change in state.

How can and object with little mass be denser than an object with more mass?

Density is the mass of an object divided by its volume. An object with little mass but a very small volume can still have a high density because density is a measure of how much mass is packed into a given volume. Conversely, an object with more mass but a larger volume might have a lower density because the mass is spread out over a larger area.

How might someone find the volume in a small chunk of gold?

how small? To find to volume of an irregular object measure how many mL of water it displaces.

How does a heavy object have the same volume as a light object?

Volume is a measure of the amount of space an object takes up, regardless of its weight. Two objects with the same volume can have different weights depending on their density. A heavy object might have the same volume as a lighter object if it is made of a denser material.

What is the difference in finding the density in a regular object and a irregular object?

In a regular object, the density can be calculated by dividing its mass by its volume using straightforward geometric formulas. In an irregular object, the volume might need to be determined through methods like water displacement or computer modeling, as it cannot be easily measured. The density is then calculated in the same way by dividing the mass by the volume.

Where does a car designer work?

A car designer might work with a car manufacturing facility or with an engineer. A car designer might also work with a marketing firm.

Who might a fashion designer work with?

A fashion designer might work with an assistant or help out other fashion designers.