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Q: Why was Nicolaus Copernicus's theory that the Earth orbits the sun so shocking?
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Why was nicolaus Copernicus theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was nicolaus Copernicus's theory that earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was Nicolaus Copernicus's theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was nicolaus Copernicus's theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking in the people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was Nicolaus copernicus’s theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was nicolaus Copernicus's theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking to people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was Nicolaus Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500s?

Answer this question…His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church

What was most notable about nicolaus copernicuss work?

Also known as the founder of modern astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus was the first His work forever changed the place of man in the cosmos; no longer could man, astronomers who came to Copernicus to learn more about his new theory.

Who was the astronomer that realized the sun does not orbits the earth?

It is believed that Nicolaus Copernicus first proposed the heliocentric theory.

Why was nicolaus Copernicus theory that the earth orbit the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

What was Nicolaus Steno's theory?

What theory he had alot of theorys. -Jeff Spearman

Who was The scientist who asserted that the planets move around the sun in a circular orbit?

Nicolaus Copernicus was the scientist who proposed that the planets move around the sun in circular orbits, known as heliocentrism. His theory laid the foundation for modern astronomy and challenged the geocentric model.