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I can only assume that 1 g is one gram. Steam is a gas and for it's weight (1g) has a large volume - it's expanded because it's been heated. ( I can't tell you how much volume, because I don't have the equation to work it out). 1 gram of water would burn the tip of one finger. 1 gram of steam would burn (potentially) your whole arm. In degree's of burn, they consider total area of body burnt and depth of burn, so in this case it would be a greater degree of burn because more surface area of the body would be burnt.

See other answers on this same question, as they state more Joules (unit of energy, so in this case heat) transferred to the body from steam than from water - these other answers are probably better than mine.

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Q: Why would you get a worse burn from contact with 1g of steam at 100 degrees Celsius than from contact with 1g of water at the same temperature?
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What is the steam point of the Celsius scale?

The steam point of the Celsius scale is 100 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, water boils and turns into steam.

How many degrees is steam?

Steam is usually at a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius) when it forms at sea level.

What temperature does water turns into steam is degrees Celsius?

It can be anywhere in between 60C and 100C (boiling point).

What temperature does steam condense into water?

When it is under 100 degrees celsius

What is the temperature range of liquid water in Celsius?

Liquid water has a temperature range of 0 to 100 degrees Celsius. At 0 degrees Celsius, water freezes into ice, and at 100 degrees Celsius, water boils into steam.

What happens if you heat the steam above 100 degrees celsius?

If you heat steam above 100 degrees Celsius, it will continue to increase in temperature without changing to water. This is because steam is already in a gaseous state at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius.

At what temperature does pure water turn to steam?

Pure water turns into steam at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) at standard atmospheric pressure.

Can steam ever be hotter than 100 degrees Celsius?

No, steam cannot be hotter than 100 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, water is converted into steam and any additional heat added will not increase the temperature, but will only convert more water into steam.

What is temperature of steam from a kettle in degree centigrade?

The temperature of steam from a kettle is typically around 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) at sea level, which is the boiling point of water.

What is the specific heat capacity of steam 100 degrees Celsius?

The specific heat capacity of steam at 100 degrees Celsius is approximately 2.08 J/gĀ°C. This means it takes 2.08 joules of energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of steam by 1 degree Celsius at that temperature.

How valid is the assumption that the initial temperature of the steam is 100 degrees celsius?

The assumption that the initial temperature of steam is 100 degrees Celsius is generally valid when referring to saturated steam at atmospheric pressure. However, it's important to consider that the temperature of steam can vary depending on the pressure or if it is superheated. Additional information or measurements may be needed to confirm the exact initial temperature of the steam in a specific scenario.

Why would Steam at 100 degree celsius burn worse than that of liquid water AT the same temperature?

Steam at 100 degrees Celsius contains more heat energy compared to liquid water at the same temperature. When steam comes into contact with skin, it releases this extra heat quickly, causing more severe burns compared to liquid water of the same temperature.