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X rays are of a much higher energy than visible light, so they have more penetrating power. So they can easily penetrate tissue, but they penetrate bones less well, and most metals almost not at all.

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4mo ago

X-rays have shorter wavelengths than visible light, allowing them to pass through body tissues while interacting with denser bones to produce images. Visible light, on the other hand, is absorbed or scattered by soft tissues, making it unable to capture images of bones beneath the surface. This difference in wavelengths and interaction with tissue types is why X-rays can image bones while visible light cannot.

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Q: X-ray can take pictures of your bones but visible light cannot explain why?
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What is used to detect destructive changes in the bones?

X-rays and other imaging techniques such as CT scans and MRIs are commonly used to detect destructive changes in the bones. These imaging techniques provide detailed pictures of the bones and surrounding tissues to help diagnose conditions such as fractures, infections, tumors, and degenerative diseases.

At birth humans have 300 bones as you mature you end up with 206 explain?

At birth, humans have cartilage that eventually fuses into bone, reducing the number of bones. Some bones fuse together as you grow older, such as the skull bones, resulting in the adult human skeleton having 206 bones.

A picture with parts of a human skeleton?

In Human being skeleton is groupedinto principal divisio 1) AXIAl skeleton 2)apendicular skeletonAXIAl skeleton -skull -ribcag -vertebrae APENDICULAR skeleton -arms ,legs, hipAXIAl skeleton : 80 bones SKULL:22 bones --cranium and facial bones.cranium bones: 1)frontal bone(1) 2)parietal(2) 3)temporal(2) 4)occipital(1) 5)sphenoid(1) 6)ethamoid(1)=8bones...FACIAL BONES: nasal 2,maxillae2,palatine2,zygomatic2,lacryma2,interior nasal conchae2,vomer1,mandible1=14 bones hyoid bone: malleus,incus,stapes

How many bones do humans have in their hand?

Humans have 27 bones in each hand, including the wrist bones, palm bones, and finger bones.

Why are x rays so much more powerfull than visible light rays?

X-rays have higher energy and shorter wavelengths than visible light rays, allowing them to penetrate deeper into materials and tissues. This property makes X-rays useful for imaging bones and other dense structures in the body. Additionally, the production of X-rays involves high-voltage electricity and specialized equipment, contributing to their higher power compared to visible light rays.

Related questions

What does a x ray do?

Take x-rays/pictures of bones.

Explain why a proper diet is important to your bones.?

because your bones will weaken and if your on a proper diet and drink milk then your bones will stay strong.

What happened you have no bones?

You cannot stand

Are the leg bones of a bat so thin that they cannot stand?

the leg bones of a bat are so thin that bats cannot stand

What does a x-ray department do?

Take x-rays/pictures of bones.

How is a X-ray used?

it is used to take pictures of peoples bones

What does First number visible by the second mean?

it means there are 20 bones in my foot....

What bones of the body are impossible to break?

There are no bones in the human body which cannot be broken.

Who is a person called when they take pictures with a special machine to take pictures of bones?

This person is called a X-Ray technician

How is a bone a complex tissue?

bones are a comlex tissue. Because your bones cannot break that easy! that is why your bones are complex

Where can you find pictures of brookelle bones besides photobucket?

Evidently if you just type her name into Google images you get a handful of pictures of this girl...

What can be used to take pictures of bones inside an animal?

An X-ray machine.