Three million, three hundred thirty-eight thousand, nine hundred thirty-eight.
Oh, what a lovely number to transform into words! Let's do that together. 843,208,732,833 can be written as "Eight hundred forty-three billion, two hundred eight million, seven hundred thirty-two thousand, eight hundred thirty-three." Just imagine each word as a happy little tree in a beautiful numerical landscape.
eight-hundred-forty-three-billion-two-hundred-eight-million-seven-hundred-thirty-two-thousand-eight-hundred-thirty-three. whewf! that was long
There is an 8. "And" means there is a decimal. "thirty-three hundredths" means that there are three tenths and three hundredths, which also equals 0.33. All together it's "eight and thirty-three hundredths".
The Three King's
The currency amount $338 is "three hundred thirty-eight dollars."
eight and thirty three hundredths
thirty-eight (I can't believe you don't know this)
Eight hundred forty-three billion, two hundred eight million, seven hundred thirty-two thousand, eight hundred thirty-three.
843,208,732,833 | Eight hundred forty-three billion, two hundred eight million, seven hundred thirty-two thousand, eight hundred thirty-three.
Eight hundred forty-three billion, two hundred eight million, seven hundred thirty-two thousand, eight hundred thirty-three.