75 divided into 1000 = 0.075
to work out the scale we take the number of mm in 1m =1000 and then divide by the scale factor in this case 1:75 so 1000 divided by 75 = 13.333333333333333
what is 75% of 1000
75/1000 = 3/40
75 divided into 1000 = 0.075
to work out the scale we take the number of mm in 1m =1000 and then divide by the scale factor in this case 1:75 so 1000 divided by 75 = 13.333333333333333
what is 75% of 1000
75 over 1000 as a decimal = 0.075
75/1000 = 0.075
75/1000 = 3/40
750/1000 or 750 over 1000 is 75% or .75
75/1000 = 3/40
75/1000 = 3/40
75 divided by 6 is 12.5.