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4!, etc. carry:=0; % Start a multiply by n. for i:=1 to last do % Step along every digit. d:=digit[i]*n + carry; % The classic multiply. digit[i]:=d mod Base; % The low-order digit of the result. carry:=d div Base; % The carry to the next digit. next i; while carry > 0 % Store the carry in the big number. if last >= Limit then croak("Overflow!"); % If possible! last:=last + 1; % One more digit. digit[last]:=carry mod Base; % Placed

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Christian Sawayn

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Q: 1. In Activity Sheet 2 found at the end of this module, identify andanalyze a concern/problem, the factors that may influence youand your solution.2. Present a concern or problem that you have experienced?
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