1.00794 ~ 1.008 ~ 1.01 ~ 1
~ means Approximately equal to.
Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, 5906245 is approximately equal to 5910000.5,910,000
Rounded to the nearest million, 13.958 is approximately equal to 0.
Rounded to the nearest million, 56891789 is approximately equal to 57,000,000.
Rounded to the nearest tenth, 1.05 is approximately equal to 1.1.
Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, 5906245 is approximately equal to 5910000.5,910,000
Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, 265588 is approximately equal to 270000.270,000
Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, 8003291 is approximately equal to 8000000.8000000
That depends to what degree you want it rounded. Rounded to two decimal places, this is approximately equal to 13.52.
Yes, 9.5 would equal 10 in this case. This is because the decimal place here is equal to 5. When rounding anything equal to or greater than 5 gets rounded up while everything else gets rounded down.
Rounded down to the nearest tenth, 43.7002 is equal to 43.7.