3.3333333 or 3 and 1/3. (.6 divided by 18 times 100)
18 out of 60 is 30%. Calculating percentage requires division, and you want the denominator (the bottom number in the fraction) to be 100. When you say 18 out of 60, you are really saying 18 divided by 60. We want to change this fraction so that the 60 is 100. 18/60 is the same as 9/30, which is 3/10, which is 30/100. The number on top of the 100 is the percentage.
Speed is distance divided by time, i.e. 100/18 is 5.5556m/s
100 / 18 = 5.555555556
1%of 60 = 0.6
It doesn't. 100 divided by 18 = 5 and 5/9 which is 5.5555 repeating
30 divided by 100 and then multiplied by 18 gives the percentage 60%
1,800,000 divided by 100,000 = 18. This means that 100,000 is 1/18th of 1,800,000. 1 divided by 18 = 0.06%
3.3333333 or 3 and 1/3. (.6 divided by 18 times 100)