Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! To find out what number you need to divide 100 by to get 40, you just need to think about it like a beautiful painting. If you divide 100 by 2, you get 50, and if you divide it by 5, you get 20. So, the magic number you're looking for is 2.5! Just like adding colors to a painting, sometimes you need to mix numbers together to find the perfect balance.
40/100 x 100 = 40%
40 divided by 100 equals 0.4. 0.4 divided by 20 is 0.02.
Because 2.5 times 40 = 100
The asnwer is 36/(40%) = 36*/(40/100) = 36*100/40 = 90
10% of 40 = (10 divided by 100) then multiplied by 40 = 4
If your question is asking: "What number can be divided by (3 percentages that equal 100%), then the answer is: "Any number divided by 100% equals the original number. For example: 100 / (40%+30%+30%)= 100/100% = 100/1 = 100