32 to the power of 2 (322) equals 1,024
1024 = 45 Log1024 = Log45 = 5Log4
A gigabyte is 1024 megabytes.
1 GB equals to 1024 MB.
1024 bytes equals 1 kilobyte
1024 terabytes equals 1 petabyte, 1024 petabytes equals 1 exabyte, 1024 exabytes equals 1 zetabyte, and 1024 zetabytes equals 1 yottabyte. Stay tuned...
957865345 * (1024 / 957865345) = 1024
To estimate a number you round it up to easier number so 387 would be 400. 945 would be 950 and 1024 would be 1030. so 400 and 950 would be 1350 plus 1030 equals 2380 you could even round it up easier so 400 plus 900 and 1000 equals 2300
1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte and so on.
1024 multiplied by 1024 as 1GB equals 1024MB & 1MB equals 1024KB. Therefore, 1GB equals 1048576KB.
If you are using a mb that equals 1024 kb and a kb that equals 1024 bytes, then you have 0.0009765625 mb, you could also say 1 kb.If you are using a mb that equals 1000 kb and a kb that equals 1000 bytes, then you have 0.001024 mb, you could also say 1.024 kb.
1024 mb = 1 gb