To multiply 111.111.111 by itself, we can treat it as (111,111,111)^2. Using the formula for squaring a number, we get 12345678987654321. So, 111.111.111 x 111.111.111 equals 12,345,678,987,654,321.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
The product is 1234567887654321. Notice that you have 8 11s * 9 11s.
The main thing that is unusual about it is that it can exist! The block would be 1754 miles x 1754 miles in size and the curvature of the earth would require it to be curved rather than flat. That would put enormous stresses on the block. Oh, and its area is the palindromic number 12,345,678,987,654,321 sq inches - IF IT COULD EXIST (which I very much doubt).
No, x + x equals 2x. x times x equals x2. (x times x equals x squared.)
X +13 equals 22, X equals nine
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
(111111111)^2 = 1.234567899 x 10^16
The product is 1234567887654321. Notice that you have 8 11s * 9 11s.
A block of ice that size would be just over 1,750 miles long on each side, comparable in size to continental ice sheets.
There are nine ones in the answer. 12345679 × 9 = 111111111
The main thing that is unusual about it is that it can exist! The block would be 1754 miles x 1754 miles in size and the curvature of the earth would require it to be curved rather than flat. That would put enormous stresses on the block. Oh, and its area is the palindromic number 12,345,678,987,654,321 sq inches - IF IT COULD EXIST (which I very much doubt).
If x equals 35, then -x equals -35.
x=6=x=5+x=13+x=20 x cannot = x+5. This question has no answer.
x equals 8
Transitive property: If 8 equals x and x equals y, then 8 equals y.
no.. x equals 11
x equals 14