56. actually, it would be 14... it's a trick question. 11 fingers and 3 thumbs is 14 fingers, and each finger only has one nail. Toenails aren't the same as fingernails, so the 14 toes would just be irrelevant.
The answer is actually quite simple, it would be 11 either way you look at it. If you don't count thumbs as a finger it would be 11 because you would ignore the 3 thumbs. If you do count them as a finger than you would assume that the 3 thumbs were already counted among the 11 fingers. Therefore the answer is 11 either way. Assuming that each of his fingers has a fingernail.
25! wow I am smart! 11 - one for each finger14 and if anybody argues try reading the question closer next time
11 because toes are toe nails and thumbs are thumbnails
eight and two thumbs Wrong, she had 11 fingers. 6 on her left hand and 5 on her right. Wrong again, she had nine fingers; five on her left and four on her right. (She also had two thumbs).
By the Pricking of My Thumbs was created in 1968-11.
A person can have 11 fingers.
Zero. Cows have hooves, not fingers.
11 <-- (er, not technically. according to dictionary.com, a fingernail is "the nail at the end of a finger", and technically, according to dictionary.com, the thumb is a finger, "[i]any[/i] of the terminal members of the hand, esp. other than the thumb". the "esp. other than the thumb" bit results from the fact that we have a special name for one of our fingers, aka the thumb, so we generally don't refer to it as a finger, [i]but that doesn't mean it ain't a finger[/i].)That's a question of a test called "The Dumb Test"http://UK.quizrocket.com/dumb-test?gatherer_id=100522&utm_source=ValueClick&utm_medium=Pop&utm_campaign=DumbTestSo really you need to answer it by yourself lol
Rings on Their Fingers ended on 1980-11-27.
11 Fingers of Anne Boleyn