12 (80 x .15=12)
To calculate 80 percent of 12 months, you would first convert 80 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, resulting in 0.80. Then, you would multiply 0.80 by 12 to find the answer. Therefore, 80 percent of 12 months is 9.6 months.
The number of which 5 % is 80 = 80/0.05 = 1600.
To find 80 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.8. In this instance, 0.8 x 375000 = 300000. Therefore, 80 percent of 375000 is equal to 300000.
To find 150 percent of a number, multiply the number by 1.5. In this instance, 80 x 1.5 = 120.
12 (80 x .15=12)
80 percent of 12 percent = 0.8 x 12 percent = 9.6 percent
12=(15/100)x x=[(12)(100)]/15=(20)(4)=80 Now, 35 percent of a number is (35/100)(80)=Y after cancelling, Y=(7)(4)=28 OR (Shorthand Version) 12/.15=80 80(.35)=28
15% of 80 = 80*15/100 = 12
100 / 80 = 1.251.25 x 15 = 18.75%
12% of 80 = 12% * 80 = 0.12 * 80 = 9.6 or 960%
15/100 * 80 = 12
12 is 15% of 80.
Multiply the number by .8 to get 80% of that number.
15 percent of the number 80 is equal to 12. The equation for this problem would be X x 15% = 12.
80% of 12 = 80% * 12 = 0.8 * 12 = 9.6