If you are travelling at the speed of 60 miles per hour, you will travel 133 miles in exactly 2.22 hours, or 2 hours and 13 minutes.
35 miles in 60 minutes 1 mile in 60/35 minutes 13 miles in (60/35)x13 = 780/35 = 156/7 = 22 and 2/7 minutes
At 50 MPH: 13 mi / 50 MPH = .26 hr or 15.6 minutes.
There are 133 minutes
That's going to depend on how fast you travel. You see, the faster you move, the less time it takes to cover any distance. Here are a few possibilities for your 189 miles: -- Walking, 3 miles an hour . . . . . 63 hours -- Running, 5 miles an hour . . . . . 37 hours 48 minutes -- Bicycle, 10 miles an hour . . . . . 18 hours 54 minutes -- Driving, 30 miles an hour . . . . . 6 hours 18 minutes -- Driving, 60 miles an hour . . . . . 3 hours 9 minutes -- Flying low, 85 miles an hour . . . . . 2 hours 13 minutes 24.7 seconds -- Flying normal, 150 miles an hour . . . . . 1 hour 15 minutes 36 seconds -- Flying high, 500 miles an hour . . . . . 22 minutes 40.8 seconds -- as fast as sound . . . . . 14 minutes 46.8 seconds -- as fast as light . . . . . 0.001 second
240/13 minutes
It is 26 minutes at 30 miles per hour to travel 13 miles in a car..
It would take approximately 13 minutes to travel 13 miles at a speed of 60 miles per hour.
13 minutes 38 seconds.
Your speed is 39 miles per hour.
If you travel 60 mph, you can go 798 miles in 13 hours, 18 minutes. Faster shorter, slower longer.
13 hours 20 minutes.
2 hours 13 minutes.
2 hours 13 minutes !
If you are travelling at the speed of 60 miles per hour, you will travel 133 miles in exactly 2.22 hours, or 2 hours and 13 minutes.
13 minutes 2.6 seconds.
8 and 2/3 mph