To answer such question on line, simply type into Google the line
convert 145 cm to inches.
Google will return
145 centimeters = 57.0866142 inches
In you are off-line, you would have to know or be able to up the fact
that 1 cm = .3937 inches ,and multiply 145 by .3937.
This conversion and/or the value 1 inch = 2.54 cm are worth remembering.
5 feet 7 inches equals 67 inches.
21 inches equals how many feet?
56 inches
27 inches
145cm is 57.1 inches.
145cm = 4 feet 9.1 inches.
145 cm = 57.0866142 inches
145cm is less than 1.5m which equals 150cm
145cm = 1.45m
4 foot 9 inches = 4'9" = 145cm
4 foot 9 inches = 4'9" = 145cm
145 units of some measurement. In this case centimeters (which is 1/100th of a meter). Other than that, nothing at all. Did you mean to ask something along the lines of "What is 145cm in feet?" or "What is 145cm in inches?" or "What is 145cm in kilometers?"
145 cm = 4 ft 9 in
1 foot = 12 inches 1450 feet = 1450 x 12inches = 17,400
72 inches equals how many yd
77mm equals 3 inches.