Oh, dude, 15mm is like 1.5cm. So, if you're measuring something and it's 15mm long, you can totally say it's 1.5cm and sound all official and stuff. But like, who really cares about millimeters and centimeters anyway, right?
1.5cm x 10mm/cm = 15mm
15mm - you just times it by 10!! (move the decimal place 1 place to the right)!
15 x 35 mm = 525 mm, which is also equal to 52.5 cm.
It is: 15 mm = 1.5 cm
15 millimeters are 1.5 centimeters.
15mm = 0.59 inches. Direct Conversion Formula 15 mm* 1 in 25.4 mm = 0.5905511811 in
10mm is 1cm so 15mm is 1.5cm
1 cm is equal to 10 mm, so 6.4 cm is equal to 64 mm.
23.4 cm is equal to 23.4 cm.
Eight cm is equal to how many mm
It is equal to 154 cm