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18 red jelly beans are 18 - of the total or whatever. They cannot be 36. So the question does not make sense.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

Well, isn't that a happy little math problem we have here! If 18 red jelly beans make up 36 of the total, that means there must be 2 jelly beans for each red one. So, if we take 18 red jelly beans and multiply by 2, we find there are 36 jelly beans in total. Happy counting!

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βˆ™ 7y ago

18 is 3/6 of 36.

18 is 36% of 50.

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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How many jelly beans can fit in a 24 ounce bottle?

It would depend on the size of the jelly beans, but on average, around 500-600 jelly beans can fit in a 24-ounce bottle.

Do jelly beans have jelly in them?

no the people who call them jelly beans are stupid the should be called fruit beans no jelly beans dont have jelly in them there called jelly beans because there jelly like but the main reason is that the first ever jelly bean was made by a company called jelly belly who today make jelly beans ,candy canes , bubble gum,candles, lipbalm and more. the outside layer of a jellybean is liquid sugar and flavoring. the inside is sugar, cornstarch, and flour. that is a jellybean no jelly at all.

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How many jelly beans in a 400g jar?

Well, isn't that just a delightful question! You see, the number of jelly beans in a 400g jar can vary depending on their size, but on average, you might find around 400-500 jelly beans in there. Just imagine all those colorful little treats waiting to bring joy to someone's day!

What flavor jelly beans are sweet?

I personally think that pink is the sweetest, and orange the second. This is because I eat Jelly Beans all the time! I love them they're my favourite sweet! x

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No they use jelly beans

How big is a jelly bean?

A jelly bean measures 2 cm long by 1.5 cm in diameter. Jelly beans come in all different colors and flavors.

Where to buy jelly beans that make your farts smell good?

At Spencers or any novalty store. Not completely sure if ur fart will actually SMELL good but if that's all u eat for a few months is jelly beans.... I'm sure ur fart will smell like jelly beans eventually. Hope I helped. Lol

What does record-keeping mean?

It means to write it down somewhere. For example, if someone says, "Fill these jars with jelly beans and keep a record of how many jars you filled", they want you to write down the number of jars you filled. Or if they say "Hide these jars of jelly beans around the house and keep a record of where you hid them" it means that you write down somewhere where the jelly bean jars are hidden. Or "Watch your sister eating a jar of jelly beans and keep a record of what colours she chooses" they mean to write down the colour of all the jelly beans she eats.

What did Ronald Reagan mean when he said You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jelly beans?

When Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California in 1966, he began eating jelly beans as part of his successful attempt to give up pipe smoking. The Oakland-based producer of the jelly beans sent a monthly shipment of jelly beans to the Governor's Office throughout Reagan's two terms as Governor. The company also made a custom-designed jelly bean jar for Reagan. The company continued to ship jelly beans to Reagan after Reagan left the governorship. In 1976 the company introduced the Jelly Belly brand. Within two years, the shipment consisted entirely of the Jelly Belly brand. The company provided the Reagan White House with Jelly Belly jelly beans for all eight years of Reagan's presidency. In February 1981 the company received official Government authorization to develop a Jelly Belly jelly bean jar with the Presidential Seal on it. These Presidential jars of Jelly Belly beans, each in its own blue gift box, were given by Reagan to heads of state, diplomats, and many other White House guests.

Didn't Ronald Reagan make jelly belly jellybeans famous?

When Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California in 1966, he began eating jelly beans as part of his successful attempt to give up pipe smoking. The Oakland-based producer of the jelly beans sent a monthly shipment of jelly beans to the Governor's Office throughout Reagan's two terms as Governor. The company also made a custom-designed jelly bean jar for Reagan. The company continued to ship jelly beans to Reagan after Reagan left the governorship. In 1976 the company introduced the Jelly Belly brand. Within two years, the shipment consisted entirely of the Jelly Belly brand. The company provided the Reagan White House with Jelly Belly jelly beans for all eight years of Reagan's presidency. President Reagan's favorite Jelly Belly flavor was licorice. In February 1981 the company received official Government authorization to develop a Jelly Belly jelly bean jar with the Presidential Seal on it. These Presidential jars of Jelly Belly beans, each in its own blue gift box, were given by Reagan to heads of state, diplomats, and many other White House guests.