Productivity is generally expressed as the ratio of outputs to inputs. Productivity can be calculated for a single operation, a functional unit, a department division or a plant. It is a measure of the efficiency of the system and looks at the economies achieved during the processes. Every process will have number of contributors - people, machines, facilitating goods, ancillary equipments, technology, etc. which help in achieving maximum productivity - each element attempting to enhance the contribution of other elements. Enhancement of productivity is achieved by either reducing the inputs for the same output or increasing the output by using the same input. Opportunities exist at all stages of the workflow. the entire system to introduce measures for increasing productivity. However in actual manufacturing situations, the inefficiencies will have cascading effect in hampering productivity. Communication, effective review processes and innovative methods will ensure optimization of resources. Building up reliability into the equipments, managing the supply chain to economize on the cost factors improves productivity. Quality circles are very efficient in incorporating low cost and non intrusive methods of improving productivity and quality throughout the organization. They seek to involve all persons who are actually involved in the production system and the information they elicit and bring about improvements highly cost effective. They unveil creativity and encourage team work and bring about improvements almost on a day to day basis. They do not bring about dramatic changes, but continuous incremental changes in a harmonious way. They also tend to encourage identification of possible failures and seek methods of preventing things going wrong.
Productivity defines the output of a system within a time -period factor. Eg - We have to deliver software to a Client. However, if we adopt a lengthy process. Then it may consume more time, more cost, more labor etc which means less productivity.
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Examples of non-count (mass) nouns:adviceairaluminumangerartasphaltattirebaggagebeefbloodbreadbutterchalkcheesechesscoffeeconcretecoppercouragedewdiligencedirtdusteducationelectricityenjoymentequipmentexhaustfishflourfoodfunfurnituregarbagegoldgraffitigrassgravityhappinesshardwareheliumhelphomeworkhonestyhoneyhouseworkhumidityhydrogeninformationinsurance
A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.Some examples are:airareaartbackbodybookbusinesscarcasechangechildcitycommunitycompanycountrydaydeskdoorendeyefacefactfamilyfatherfoodfriendgamegirlgovernmentgrouphandheadhealthhistoryhomehourhouseideainformationislandissuejobkidkindlawlevellifelinelotlunchmanmemberminutemomentmoneymonthmorningmothernamenightnumberofficeopinionparentpartpartypeoplepersonplacepointpowerpresidentproblemprogramquestionreasonresearchresultrightroomschoolservicesidesoupstatestorystudentsystemteacherteamthingtimewarwaterweekwomanwordworkworldyear
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You have to: 1. explain the meaning of Productivity (2 marks) 2. show an understanding of the influences on productivity (3 marks) 3. give an explanation of some examples ( 3 marks) That shall give you your 8 marks! Enjoy :)
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