a meter has 100 centimeters, so a square meter has 100x100 square centimeters, which is 10 000 square centimeters
Yes. "Centi" refers to "100" meaning that a "centimeter" is one one-hundredth (1/100) of a meter.
1 square meter = 1,550 square inches
There are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter
1 square meter = 10.7639 square feet.
1 Square Meter = 10.7639104 Square Feet
They mean: centi as in centimeter is 1/100 of a meter and milli as in millimeter is 1/1000 of a meter
They mean: centi as in centimeter is 1/100 of a meter and milli as in millimeter is 1/1000 of a meter
centi- stands for 1/100th. So a centimeter is 1/100th of a meter.1 meter is therefore 100 cm.
1 meter = 100 centimeters
1 meter square=10000 cm square
One meter has 100 cm. (centi means "1/100"), so a square meter has (100 x 100) square cm., and a cubic meter has (100 x 100 x 100) cubic cm.
1 (square meter) = 10.7639104 square feet.
1 meter = 100 centimeters. Centi means 1/100.1 meter = 100 centimeters. Centi means 1/100.1 meter = 100 centimeters. Centi means 1/100.1 meter = 100 centimeters. Centi means 1/100.
1 cm. is 1/100 meter. cm. means centimeter; the prefix centi means 1/100.1 cm. is 1/100 meter. cm. means centimeter; the prefix centi means 1/100.1 cm. is 1/100 meter. cm. means centimeter; the prefix centi means 1/100.1 cm. is 1/100 meter. cm. means centimeter; the prefix centi means 1/100.
Centi- prefix means 1/100, so 1 centi-meter is 1/100 meter ie 1/100m = 0.01m = 1cm
Centi means 1 100th Meter means meter. You figure it out.
Yes. Centi- means hundredth, so 100 hundredths of a meter is 1 meter.