As a fraction in its simplest form 0.54 = 27/50
It is: 1 and 27/50
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 27/11 is equal to 2 5/11 or two and five elevenths.
Assuming you meant 4 54/100 then NO the simplest form is 4 27/50.
Being less than one, 0.27 will not become a mixed number. It can be represented as 27/100
8.54 = 8 and 27/50 as a mixed number in its simplest form
Expressed as a mixed number, 5 27/100 is already expressed in its simplest form.
27/5 is already in its simplest form but as a mixed number it is: 5 amd 2/5
As a fraction in its simplest form 0.54 = 27/50
12.54 written as a mixed number is 12 and 27/50 in its simplest form
It is: 1 and 27/50
It is: 27/6 = 4 and a 1/2 in its simplest form
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 105/27 is equal to 3 8/9 or three and eight ninths.
its 4 and 1/2
It is: 2 and 27/50 in its simplest form
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 27/11 is equal to 2 5/11 or two and five elevenths.
To convert 4.675 to a mixed number in simplest form, we first separate the whole number part (4) from the decimal part (0.675). The whole number becomes the whole number part of the mixed number. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we take the digits after the decimal (675) over the place value of the last digit (1000). Simplifying the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, we get 4 675/1000, which simplifies to 4 27/40 in simplest form.